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X8 MIG WELDER 2.4 Operation
Figure 47: 4T/WP Switch Crater Fill
1. Trigger is pressed.
2. Trigger is released.
3. Trigger is pressed.
4. Trigger is released.
To adjust the Creater Fill parameters, with Control Pad, go to Settings > Start and stop logic > Crater fill.
When you select ON, the options for adjusting Time, Start Level and End level appear on the screen.
Time: For 2T, this defines the period of time that the Crater Fill sequence takes. For 4T/WP Switch, this
defines the period of time it takes to move from the start level to the finishing level.
Start level: the level where the Crater Fill is launched.
Stop level: the level on which the Crater Fill is finished.
When the 4T Timer is in use, pressing the trigger (in the case of WP Switch, > 0.5 s) launches the Crater Fill
sequence, and the sequence lasts at least for the period of time defined for the 4T Timer, even if the trigger
is released before that time has passed.
The Pregas function ensures that the work piece is protected by shielding gas at the moment of the arc
ignition so that the molten metal does not come into contact with air. This is essential with materials that
require a good gas shield, like stainless steels, aluminium and titanium.
When the 2T trigger logic is in use, the Pregas lasts for the defined period of time. When the 4T or WP Switch
trigger logic is in use, the Pregas lasts until the trigger is released.
To adjust the pregas time, in Control Pad, go to Settings > Start and stop logic > Pregas time.
The Postgas functions ensures that the work piece is protected by gas after the arc is switched off so that the
molten metal does not come into contact with air. The workpiece is protected by shielding gas until it has
sufficiently cooled down. This is especially useful with materials that require excellent gas shield, like stainless
steels and titanium.
When the 2T trigger logic is in use, the Postgas lasts for the predefined period of time. When the 4T or
WP Switch trigger logic is in use, the Postgas lasts until the trigger is released; however, at least for the
predefined period of time.
To adjust the Postgas function, go to Settings > Start and stop > Postgas. Select Set time > Postgas time
to define the period of time that the Postgas lasts, or Set to default to select the pre-set time.
KEMPPI | 2018-09-28

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kemppi X8 MIG Welder

Kemppi X8 MIG Welder Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 196 pagina's

Kemppi X8 MIG Welder Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 198 pagina's

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