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5., 8.
6. Open the pressure control arm which then opens the feed mechanism.
7. Thread the ller wire through the wire guide to the wire liner inside the gun cable.
8. Close the feed gear and secure it with the pressure control arm. Make sure that the ller wire
runs in the feed roll groove.
9. Adjust the ller wire compression with the pressure control arm, no higher than to
the middle of the scale. If the pressure is too high, the feed rolls may remove metal
fragments from the wire surface. On the other hand, if the pressure is too low, the feed
gear slips and the wire does not feed and run smoothly.
10. Switch on the welding machine.
11. Press the welding gun trigger and wait for the ller wire to exit the welding gun.
12. Close the wire cabinet door.
NOTE! When feeding the welding wire into the gun, be sure that you are not pointing the gun at
anyone and that there isn’t anything in front of the gun. Also, do not put your ngers near the feed
rolls, because they might get trapped
2.7.3 Reversing polarity
Some ller wires are recommended to be welded with the gun in the –pole, so the polarity
should be reversed. Check the recommended polarity from the ller wire package.
1. Disconnect the machine from the mains.
2. Expose the terminal connections by bending the protective rubber covers away from the
3. Remove the terminal tightening nuts and washers. Note the correct order of the washers!
4. Interchange the cables.
5. Install the washers in place and re-tightening the securing nuts.
6. Replace the rubber terminal covers. The rubber covers must always protect the terminals
during use.
MinarcMig Evo 170, Evo 200

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Kemppi MinarcMig Evo 170 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

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