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The utilisation level of the power source and its working environment should be taken into
consideration in planning the frequency of maintenance of the machine. Proper use of the
machine and regular maintenance help you avoid unnecessary downtime and failures.
• Check the condition of welding and mains cables daily.
• Make sure to replace damaged cables immediately. Only use original Kemppi spare
• Make sure that all extension cables used in the mains connection are in proper condition
and compliant with regulations.
NOTE! The mains cables may be repaired and installed only by electrical contractors and installers
authorised to perform such operations.
Before cleaning the interior of the machine, you need to remove the case by unscrewing the
mounting screws of the machine.
NOTE! To prevent damage, wait approximately two minutes after disconnecting the mains cable
before removing the machines case.
Perform the following cleaning and maintenance at least every six months:
1. Clean the interior of the machine and the fan grill’s net of any dust and stains – for
example, with a soft brush and vacuum cleaner.
• Do not use pressurised air. The stain may become compressed into the grooves of the
• Do not use a pressure-washing device.
2. Check the electrical connections of the machine. Clean any oxidised connections, and
tighten the loosened ones.
• Check for the right tension before tightening the connections.
NOTE! Remember that the machine may be repaired only by an electrical contractor or installer
authorised to perform such operations.
KempArc SYN 300, 400, 500, DT 400 / © Kemppi Oy / 1117

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