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FastMig X 350MV
3.1 Main switch I/O
When you turn the on/o switch into position I, the pilot warning lamp is illuminated and the
machine is ready for use. Always turn the machine on and o with the power source mains
switch. Never use the mains plugs as a switch.
3.2 Pilot lamps
The pilot lamps of the machine report its operational state:
When the green pilot lamp is on, it indicates that the machine is switched on and ready for
When the orange pilot lamp is on, it indicates that the machine is overheated due to higher
than normal working loads that exceed the rated duty cycle. The cooling fan will continue to
run and cool the machine down. When the lamp is o the machine is again ready to weld.
3.3 Operation of cooling fan
FastMig X 350MV power sources incorporate two simultaneously operating fans.
• The fan is started momentarily when the main switch is turned into position I.
• The fan will start during welding as the machine reaches operational temperature, and
it will run for 1 to 10 minutes after the welding has stopped, depending on the welding
cycle completed.
3.4 Manual Metal Arc Welding
MMA electrode welding is a standard feature of FastMig X 350MV power source. To use it you
need to connect the electrode holder to the power source positive pole (+) and select the
MMA welding mode either from the power source or from the wire feeder:
• In power source control panel, select MMA/CC/CV Mode from the main menu list.
– OR –
• in wire feeder control panel, select MMA/CC/CV option with a long press of the
corresponding up-down-arrow.
NOTE! There must be an MMA memory channel dened before you can use these modes. To create
a memory channel, see the Control panel section of this manual.
3.5 Using external devices with CC and CV modes
FastMig X 350MV is a CC (constant current) and CV (constant voltage) power source. With this
function you can use it as a power source for the voltage sensing wire feeder ArcFeed and TIG
welding device MasterTig LT 250.
To use the CC/CV function you select MMA/CC/CV Mode option from the main menu of the
power source control panel.
NOTE! There must be a CC or CV memory channel dened before you can use these modes. To
create a memory channel, see the Control panel section of this manual.

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