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WFX 200, 300, 200 P Fe/Ss, 300 P Fe/Ss, 200-T, 300 P-T, 300-T, 200 AMC, 300 AMC
2.10 Adjustment of pressure arms
Adjust the drive pressure to the ller wire with the thumb screws mounted over the pressure
arms. Notice the graduated scales indicating load. The load applied should be sucient to
overcome a light braking force applied by hand to the ller wire, as it exits the welding gun
contact tip.
For smaller diameter and soft ller wires, less feed pressure is required. It should be possible to
apply a light breaking force to the ller wire by hand, as it exits the gun contact tip. But slightly
more wire ow restriction should render the drives rolls to slip slightly over the ller wire
without deforming the wire.
NOTE! Excessive pressure causes attening of the ller wire and damage to coated or cored ller
wires. It also causes undue wear of the feed rolls and increases gearbox load, so reducing service
2.11 Adjustment of spool brake
Brake force is adjusted through the hole behind the locking clip. Remove the locking clip by
hand, and adjust the tension and pressure to the friction pads mounted inside with a screw
driver. See diagram and location A.
The load applied varies depending on the size and weight of the ller wire and spool, but also
the ller wire feed speed set. The heavier the wire spool and the faster the feed speed, the
greater the need to increase the braking load. Adjust the pressure, secure the locking clip, set
the wire feed speed and check that the braking force is enough to ensure the ller wire does
not spill from the spool on overrun.
NOTE! Too much or unnecessary loads can impact welding quality, load and wear to the wire feed
2.12 Burn back time
FastMig electronics controls the burn back time. When welding stops an automatic sequence
ensures that the ller wire does not stick to the work piece and that no ball is formed at the
wire tip, ensuring reliable re-ignition. This system works regardless of the wire feed speed.
2.13 Earth return cable
Preferably the earth return cable and clamp should be connected directly to the welding
Always use a good quality, 70 mm² heavy copper cable, and if possible a screw type 600 A
clamp. Ensure that the surface contact to the work piece is clean of metal oxide and or paint.
Make sure the clamp is rmly secured.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T

Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

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