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© Kemppi Oy / 1736
1.1 General
Congratulations on choosing the Kemppi WFX welding equipment. Used correctly, Kemppi
products can signicantly increase the productivity of your welding, and provide years of
economical service.
This operating manual contains important information on the use, maintenance and safety of
your Kemppi product. The technical specications of the equipment can be found at the end
of the manual.
Please read the operating manual and the safety instructions booklet carefully before using
the equipment for the rst time. For your own safety and that of your working environment,
pay particular attention to the safety instructions in the manual.
For more information on Kemppi products, contact Kemppi Oy, consult an authorised Kemppi
dealer, or visit the Kemppi web site at www.kemppi.com.
The specications presented in this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
Important notes
Items in the manual that require particular attention in order to minimise damage and
personal harm are indicated with the NOTE! notation. Read these sections carefully and follow
their instructions.
While every eort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this guide
is accurate and complete, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions. Kemppi
reserves the right to change the specication of the product described at any time without
prior notice. Do not copy, record, reproduce or transmit the contents of this guide without
prior permission from Kemppi.
1.2 About WFX wire feeders
Kemppi WFX 200 and 300 are basic wire feeders for regular pulse welding. They are equipped
with the WiseFusion™ welding process and are best suitable for basic MIG/MAG welding
purposes with robust thick metal plates.
Kemppi WFX 200 P Fe, WFX 300 P Fe, WFX 200 P Ss and WFX 300 P Ss are wire feeders for
more demanding professional use for example in pipe welding. They are equipped with the
WiseRoot+™ welding process developed especially for ecient root welding on pipes and
plates. Based on the model chosen, the wire feeder comes with either steel (Fe) or stainless
steel (Ss) pack preinstalled.
Kemppi WFX 200 AMC and 300 AMC are wire feeders designed for demanding professional
use featuring most of the Kemppi software options available. They are equipped for example
with the WiseThin+™ welding process, developed especially for ecient welding for thin
sheets and position welding, also with CO
shielding gas.
WFX 200 AMC and 300 AMC wire feeders can also be controlled in conjunction with FastMig
X power sources through Kemppi's ARC Mobile Control, which is a tablet computer based
wireless control interface. The required ARC Mobile Control adapter is included with the AMC
wire feeder models and provided as an option for the rest of the WFX wire feeders.
If a customer needs a specic set of software for their production, there is a tailored wire
feeder option available. With a special conguration tool customers can select the desired
software products to be factory-installed on the wire feeder, or they can just order an empty
wire feeder with no software pre-installed and only MIG welding enabled.
WFX wire feeders can be used with FastMig X power sources.
Operation of the wire feeder is controlled and adjusted by microprocessor. By adding an
optional synchronization unit MXF Sync 65, the SuperSnake sub-feeder device may be
connected to the WFX 300 series wire feeders (not available for WFX 200 series).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T

Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Kemppi FastMig WFX 200-T Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

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