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Abnormal Operation
Normal Operation
Air conditioner
does not cool or
heat as it should
Air conditioner
does not start
Air conditioner
freezing up
Possible Causes
What To Do
The air conditioner is
Make sure the air conditioner plug is
pushed completely into the outlet and
switched on.
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the chart below first and you may not need to call for service.
You may hear a pinging noise caused by water being picked up and thrown against the
condenser on rainy days or when the humidity is high. This design feature helps remove
moisture and improve cooling efficiency.
Water will collect in the base pan during high humidity or on rainy days. The water may
overflow and drip from the outdoor side of the unit.
The fan may continue to operate when the compressor has cycled off.
The fuse is blown/circuit
breaker is tripped.
Check the house fuse/circuit breaker box
and replace the fuse or reset the breaker.
Power failure.
If power failure occurs, switch off and
disconnect /unplug the power cord. When
power is restored, reconnect (plug in) the
power cord, switch on the power and wait
3 minutes to restart the air conditioner to
prevent tripping of the compressor overload.
Airflow is restricted .
Make sure there are no curtains, blinds,
or furniture blocking the front of the air
Clean the filter at least every 2 weeks.
See the operating instructions section.
When the air conditioner is first turned on you
need to allow time for the room to cool down.
Check for open furnace floor registers and
cold or hot air returns.
Set the air conditioner's vent to the closed
See Air Conditioner Freezing Up below.
The air filter is dirty.
The room may have been
Cold/hot air is escaping.
Coils have iced up.
Ice blocks the air flow and
stops the air conditioner
from cooling the room.
Set the fan at MED or HIGH until the
ice melts.

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