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1 Safety precautions Kelvinator Air Conditioning
If you notice an unusal situation, such as a burning
smell, please switch off the power to the air
conditioner and contact an Electrolux service agent.
If this abnormal status continues the air conditioner
may be damaged or even cause electric shock or fire.
Do not operate the air conditioner with wet hands.
This may cause electric shock.
Do not damage or cut off the power cord or other wires.
If this occurs, please have it repaired or replaced by an
accredited technician.
Do not connect this air conditioner to a multi
outlet powerboard.
Please switch off the power supply to the air
conditioner if it is not to be used for an
extended period.
Otherwise, it will accumulate dust and may cause a fire.
Before cleaning the air conditioner, please
disconnect the power supply in order to eliminate
the possibility of electric shock.
The power supply should be matched with the air
conditioner according to the installation manual.
Air conditioners provided with a supply cord should
be connected directly to a power outlet with a
suitable safety switch. Air conditioners that are hard
wired must be connected to a suitable safety circuit
breaker according to the installation manual.
Please ensure that the power supply to the air
conditioner is stable and meets the requirements set
out in the installation manual.
Always ensure the product is installed with
appropriate earthing.
For safety, be sure to turn off the circuit breaker
before performing any maintenance or cleaning or
when the product is not used for an extended
period of time.
Accumulated dust may cause fire or electric shock.
Safety precautions
Inside this manual you will find many helpful hints on how to
use and maintain your air conditioner properly.
Just a little preventive care on your part can save you a great
deal of time and money over the life of your air conditioner.
You'll find many answers to common problems
in the chart of troubleshooting tips on page 8. If you review
the chart of troubleshooting tips first, you may not need to
call for service.
Meanings of symbols used in this manual are shown below:
This indicates information concerning your personal safety
and how to avoid damaging the appliance
tips and information
This symbol indicates tips and information about
use of the appliance
environmental tip
This symbol indicates tips and information about
economical and ecological use of the appliance
This symbol indicates never to do this
Always do this
Important notes:
1 Do not operate unit with horizontal louvre in
closed position.
2 Do not operate unit without the air filter.

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