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Operating Instructions
The Katadyn Siphon is used to disinfect water, making natural water safe to drink, without
changing its mineral content.
The Katadyn ceramic filter element with its ultra fine pored microfiltration system has proven to be
the most reliable treatment method available. Because the average size of pores in the filter is only
0.2 microns (= 2 tenthousandths of a millimetre!).
All organisms which cause the following diseases are thus trapped: typhoid, dysentery, cholera,
colibacillosis, amoebic and bacterial dysentery, bilharziosis, giardia, etc.
Your Katadyn Siphon comes complete with a ceramic filter element and measuring gauge a 2m
(80 inch) silicone inlet hose and a cleaning brush.
1. Operation
1. Immerse the filter element in a container (bucket, basin, etc.) filled with untreated water.
2. Place the inlet hose in a container (e.g. bottle) placed at a lower height.
The larger the difference in heights between the two containers, the more water drips into
the clean storage container.
3. At the start of filtration, begin the water flow by sucking on the siphon hose, then placing the
end of the hose into the clean container.
4. Always keep the filter element completely immersed in water.
5. When using the Siphon the very first time, discard the first gallon/ four litres of water.
The capacity of 1.3 Gallons of drinking water per hour can be increased by using several
Katadyn Siphon.
2. Maintenance
Your Katadyn Siphon operates without the use of chemicals and therefore requires minimum
maintenance. The ceramic element is able to treat up to 20'000 l (5.000 gallons) of water.
3a Cleaning
Using the special cleaning pad supplied, brush down until the bright, original colour of the
element is visible again.
If the Katadyn Siphon is not to be used for an extended period of time, allow the ceramic
element to "air" dry thoroughly before stowing away.
Do not use cleaning or disinfection agents on the ceramic filter element; do not sterilize in
boiling water or steam. Do not dry on hot surfaces, in ovens or microwave appliances.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Katadyn Siphon

Katadyn Siphon Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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