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7 KA CEH 18 - 080529
Assembly page 7/20
Fax +32 2 359 95 50
The heater should only be operated at a minimum distance of 60cm from any wall or other
object. Position the air flow in order to optimise the heating of the room. Avoid corners, small
volumes, floors and ceilings.
When the appliance is switched on for the first time, a slight smell may be emitted. Please
ensure sufficient ventilation. This smell will disappear very quickly.
Function selector
Fan without heater
I 750 W (low heat output)
II 1500 W (full heat output)
If you selected low or full output, choose the desired temperature with the thermostat. With the
thermostat, the temperature can be regulated. When the desired temperature is reached, the
unit will automatically switch off. Once the temperature has fallen below the pre-set level, the
heater will switch on again.
A pilot light will allow you to check the thermostatic regulation. When the appliance is heating,
this pilot light will be on. It will go out when the desired temperature is reached.
This appliance also has an oscillation function. To switch the function on, press the oscillation
switch. To stop it, press the oscillation switch again.
Your appliance is fitted with a safety device (tip-over switch situated on the bottom of the
appliance) that disconnects your appliance when it is tilted or tipped. If your appliance
falls, switch it off, replace it correctly and switch it on again.
This heater also equipped with an overheat protection that switches off the appliance
automatically in case of overheat, e.g. due to the total or partial obstruction of the grids.
In this case, unplug the appliance, wait about 30 minutes for it to cool and remove the
object that is obstructing the grids. Then switch it back on as described above. The
appliance should operate normally. Should the problem persist, please contact the
nearest customer service.

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