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EXC SFC 2 - 110310
Assembly page 15/76
Fax +32 2 359 95 50
It is normal that the red control lamp switches on and off during the process, since the
thermostat controls the heating element automatically.
The appliance is equipped with an overheating protection. When a temperature of 180°C
is reached, the appliance switches off automatically. In that case, unplug the appliance
and wait 30 minutes for the appliance to cool down.
2. Adjusting the steam rate: turn the steam regulator clockwise for less steam or
anticlockwise for a greater amount of steam.
3. Refilling the water tank:
Switch off and unplug the appliance from the mains supply socket. Press the steam button
and release the internal pressure completely. Wait approx. 3 minutes and release the
safety cap slowly. ATTENTION! Hot steam may escape. Risk of burning! After the appliance
has cooled down to approximately the ambient temperature, fill the water tank. Please
use the provided funnel and the measuring cup. Do not exceed the maximum quantity of
1.4 litres! Close the safety cap and attach the appliance to the mains supply again. One
full tank corresponds to approximately 40 minutes of use.
Warning! Before you release the safety cap, make sure that the internal pressure is
sufficiently reduced.
4. Switch off and unplug the appliance, release the remaining internal pressure and empty
the water tank after use. Wait until the housing and the accessories have cooled down
before touching the appliance. Do not close the water tank until it has dried out
5. Descaling: in order to maintain the excellent quality and efficiency of your cleaner, we
recommend you to descale the appliance at regular intervals (once every 6 months).
Place one or two limescale removal sticks in 1 litre of warm water (50°C) and fill the water
tank with the solution. Allow the solution to work for about 30 minutes, then pour it away.
Rinse out the tank with clear water.
Rinsing: we recommend rinsing the tank every 5 uses in order to remove limescale that has
been deposited on the bottom of the tank. Fill the water tank only with water. Close the
safety cap and shake the tank by hand. Then open the safety cap and empty the tank.
Allow the tank to dry out completely before closing it.
Warning! Never immerse the appliance in water. Wipe the housing only with a lightly
moistened cloth.
Do not try to repair the appliance. In case of need, repairs of electrical appliances must be
carried out by qualified personnel.
Problem Possible cause Advice
Green operating
pilot lamp does not
light up
Appliance not plugged correctly
Appliance is not switched on
Mains supply socket damaged
Power cord is damaged
Attach the appliance to
mains supply socket again
Switch on the appliance
Check the socket
Contact the customer
No steam
The child safety device is on
No water in tank
Push the pin on the right-
hand side of the steam gun
to the left
Fill water in tank

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