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Copies of the I/B. Please reproduce them without any changes
except under special instruction from Team International BELGIUM.
The pages must be reproduced and folded in order to obtain a
booklet A5 (+/- 148.5 mm width x 210 mm height). When folding,
make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages
of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language
EXC IH 1 - 110310
Assembly page 8/32
Fax +32 2 359 95 50
Do not use double adapters, timers, programmers or other devices that connect the
heater automatically.
Competent qualified service: after-sales department of the producer or importer or any
person who is qualified, approved and competent to perform this kind of repairs in order to
avoid all danger. In case of need you should return the appliance to this service.
To operate more easily, lay the heater horizontally.
Unscrew both screws located on the lower part of the appliance.
Take out the power cord from the slot which is in the centre of the base and mount this
base on the lower part of the appliance.
Insert the screws in the base and tighten them.
Connect the appliance and put the main switch in the “ON” (/1) position and the central
lamp will start working. The other halogen lamps can be switched on with their respective
Press the oscillation switch (TURN) to have the heater moving to the right and to the left.
To switch off the appliance, put the switches in the “OFF” (/0) position and remove the
plug from the power supply.
Your appliance is fitted with a safety device that disconnects your appliance when it is
tilted or tipped. If your appliance falls, switch it off, replace it correctly and switch it on
In case your appliance does not work when you switch it on, check that it is correctly
placed and that the safety device is not blocked.
Before cleaning the appliance, ensure it is disconnected from the power supply and has
cooled down completely.
The housing may be wiped with a slightly damp, lint-free cloth; do not use any abrasive
scouring pad or steel wool.
The grids are particularly delicate; to clean them you can carefully use a vacuum cleaner.
When you do not use the appliance, you can cover it and place it in a dry environment.
Never move the appliance while it is operating and make sure it does not fall, as this could
destroy the tubes. No guarantee claims will be accepted in case of non-observance of these
In order to preserve our environment and protect human health, the waste electrical and
electronic equipment should be disposed of in accordance with specific rules with the
implication of both suppliers and users. For this reason, as indicated by the symbol on the
rating label or on the packaging, your appliance should not be disposed of as unsorted
municipal waste. The user has the right to bring it to a municipal collection point performing
waste recovery by means of reuse, recycling or use for other applications in accordance with
the directive.

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