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EXC CEH 2 - 110310
Assembly page 11/32
Fax +32 2 359 95 50
(*) Competent qualified service: after-sales department of the producer or importer or any
person who is qualified, approved and competent to perform this kind of repairs in order to
avoid all danger. In case of need you should return the appliance to this service.
The heater should only be operated at a minimum distance of 50cm from any wall or other
object. Position the air flow in order to optimise the heating of the room. Avoid corners, small
volumes, floors and ceilings.
In order to be able to use the remote control, you first have to insert the batteries in it. To
do so:
Open the battery compartment.
Insert the batteries, making sure you respect the + and – polarity.
Close the compartment. Use 2 AAA-type batteries of 1.5 V. Never mix up new and old
batteries or batteries of different types.
When you decide to throw away the appliance, make sure to remove the battery and to
dispose of it in an ecological manner by handing it in a place intended for this end.
NOTE: the remote control can be stored in the foreseen space located on the back of the
Caution: if you don’t use your remote control for a long time, it is recommended to remove the
batteries because they could run.
When the appliance is switched on for the first time, a slight smell may be emitted. Please
ensure sufficient ventilation. This smell will disappear very quickly.
The heater may be operated by the manual controls located on the heater or by your remote
1. Place the heater on a firm level surface.
2. Set the main power switch to ‘OFF’. Plug in the appliance. Turn the main power switch to
‘ON’ ("I") position. A beep will sound and the red light will come on indicating that there is
power to the unit. The heater is ready for use. The red light will remain lighted until the unit
is unplugged from the electrical outlet.
3. Turn the heater ON by pressing the button of the remote control or control panel. The
unit will display the current room temperature.
4. Upon turning the heater on, the unit will be in the FAN heat mode.
5. Pressing the ‘HEAT MODE ’ button at this point will set the heater into LOW HEAT mode.
6. Pressing the ‘HEAT MODE ’ button a second time will set the heater into HIGH HEAT
mode. Pressing a third time sets the heater in AUTO mode. Notice that the display now
displays a ‘SET TEMP’ indicator (see “Thermostat Instructions”). To turn the heater OFF, press
the button.
Swing function
This function will work in any mode. Pressing the swing button
will allow the heater to
oscillate left and right. To stop the oscillation, press the swing button once more.

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