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2. Environmentally friendly solar technology
Technology that needs no batteries! Light no matter whether sun-
light or artificial – penetrates the solar or light-transparent watch face.
This transforms the light into electrical energy, which gets saved in a
long-life power store. The power store serves as the source of electrici-
ty for your multi-frequency radio-controlled solar-powered movement
3. Automatic time synchronisation
The automatic time synchronisation process always takes place at
night based on the local time set on your watch:
EU DCF 77: at c. 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.
JP – JJY40 and JJY60: c. 2 a.m.
US – WWVB: c. 2 a.m.
At the start of the synchronisation process the LC display automatical-
ly switches off. The display remains switched off for the full duration of
the synchronisation process (max. 9 minutes) or until this is manually
aborted. Automatic time synchronisation can be aborted by pressing
any button.
For the USA’s WWVB time signal transmitter the following specific
feature applies:
After a successful transmitter call or restart, your Junghans multi-
frequency radio-controlled solar-powered watch always reads in
Pacific Standard Time. Due to the non-uniform changeover from
summer to winter time and the differing time zones in the individu-
al US states, you are given the opportunity to adjust winter time,
summer time and time zone settings (see 6.2) manually. If, due to
where you are, the time zone or summer / winter time that you have
set differs from PST, it is nevertheless retained during any subse-
quent transmitter call or automatic synchronisation.
After automatic time synchronisation has been successfully perfor-
med, you can see which transmitter the signal was picked up from by
pressing button T1. The time signal always changes the date automati-
cally. In leap years the 29th of February gets automatically taken into
account. If none of the attempts at picking up a signal lead to clear syn-
chronisation, the reception indicator gets deactivated (see section 6).
Thanks to the internal time-memory, your watch will continue to run
during any days without time synchronisation with the precision of a
quartz watch. The next successful reception of the time signal leads to
synchronisation and the reception indicator on the LC display becomes
Recommendation: To ensure the best possible conditions for automa-
tic reception of the time synchronisation signal, the watch should not
be worn and, if possible, not left near to any electrical appliances, mobi-
le or cordless phones.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Junghans Mega Solar - J615.84

Junghans Mega Solar - J615.84 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

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