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General instructions for use
Winding the watch
Your Erhard Junghans Aerious is equipped with a screwed-in crown. In
the home setting (crown in position A) the crown is screwed in. By turn-
ing it to the left you get to the position for winding the watch (crown in
position B). If you can feel that the crown will turn freely, you can wind
up the automatic movement by hand. 2-3 turns of the crown suffice to
set the movement in motion. It is better to wind the watch completely,
as this guarantees maximum accuracy and power reserve (including
after removal of the watch). The watch should be worn after winding in
order for the automatic winding mechanism to maintain a fully-wound
state (via the rotor movement).
Setting the date
Pull the crown to Position C (fast adjustment). The date can be altered by
turning the crown to the right. Rotate the crown until the date of the pre-
vious day is displayed. (The actual date is then adjusted with the setting
of the time).
Important: Date alteration should not be performed between 8 PM and
3 AM, as in this period the date is switched automatically by the move-
ment and damage may be caused to the switching mechanism.
If the month has less than 31 days, the date must be forwarded to the 1st
of the following month by hand.
Setting the time
Pull the crown to Position D. This stops the movement.
To set the watch accurately to the second it helps to stop the movement
when the second hand is over the 60. Now turn the crown to the left. As
soon as the hour hand passes midnight the date is switched to the cur-
rent date. Turning the crown further enables the precise time to be set,
accurate to the minute marker. Return the crown to Position B to start the
second hand.
After winding up and setting your watch you must always screw the
crown back into place. Only with the crown screwed in can the watch’s
waterproof level of 10 ATM be assured. To screw the crown in, press it
gently and at the same time turn it to the right until it locks firmly into

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Andere handleiding(en) van Junghans Aerious Chronoscope

Junghans Aerious Chronoscope Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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