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JOCCA thanks you for the trust placed in the purchase of our product and we are certain that
you will always be satisfied with any of our products.
a- Vaporising mask
b- Tank or water bowl
c- Maximum level indicator
d- Sauna base
e- On/Off switch (0/I)
f- Cable and plug
-These instructions are very important. Please read this instructions manual carefully before
using the appliance and keep it at hand to refer to it at any time.
-JOCCA declines any responsibility for the improper use of the product, or any other use that is
not described in this manual.
-Before using the product for the first time, unpack the product and check that it is in perfect
conditions. If not, do not use the appliance and contact JOCCA, as the guarantee covers any
damage from origin or manufacturing defects.
-This product is only indicated for domestic use. Do not use the appliance outdoors. Never leave
the appliance exposed to climatic agents such as rain, snow, sun, etc.…
-This appliance is intended to be used only by adults. Do not allow people not accustomed to
this kind of appliances, handicapped people or children to use this item.”
-Never use the appliance if you have heart problems, severe rosacea, eczema or psoriasis.
-Before connecting the appliance to the mains, check that the cable and plug are in perfect
conditions. Also check that the voltage indicated on the appliance is valid for your electrical
-Only use the appliance when the vaporising mask is in place.
-If your appliance has been dropped or fallen into water or any other liquid do not use it or try
to repair it. Take it to the JOCCA technical service.
-If you detect that the power supply cable, the plug or the adaptor are damaged or have fallen
into water or any other liquid, do not use the appliance, replace the cable, the plug, or the
adaptor. Go directly to the authorised JOCCA technical service where they will replace it
correctly for you.
-Do not immerse the appliance or any part of it in water or any other liquid.
-Use the appliance on a stable surface.
-Do not pull the cable to unplug the appliance from the mains, always pull from the plug.
-For your safety and for the appliance to work correctly, always use JOCCA spare parts and
-Unplug the appliance from the mains when you have finished using it, before cleaning it and if
it does not work correctly.
-Make sure that the appliance is not plugged in before using.
-Put the vaporising mask in place by turning the same clockwise.
-Fill the appliance with hot tap water up to the maximum level of the bowl. Never exceed this
level. Use a glass or recipient for the same; never put the appliance under a tap.
-Plug the appliance into the mains electricity supply.
-Press the On/Off switch to position I. The switch will light up.
-Sit in front of the appliance, lean forwards until your face is over the vaporising mask. Never
rest your face on the mask. Let the steam act at a distance where you do not feel too hot.

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