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Driving and Alcohol:
Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of collisions. Your driving
ability can be seriously impaired with blood alcohol levels far below the legal
minimum. If you are drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non-drinking
driver, call a cab, a friend, or use public transportation.
Driving after drinking can lead to a collision. Your perceptions are less sharp,
your reflexes are slower, and your judgment is impaired when you have been
drinking. Never drink and then drive.
If you are the first registered retail owner of your vehicle, you
may obtain a complimentary printed copy of the Owner’s
Manual, Navigation/Uconnect Manuals or Warranty Booklet by
calling 1-877-426-5337 (U.S.) or 1-800-387-1143 (Canada) or
by contacting your dealer.
This guide has been prepared to help you
get quickly acquainted with your new Jeep
Brand Vehicle and to provide a convenient
reference source for common questions.
However, it is not a substitute for your
Owners Manual.
For complete operational instructions,
maintenance procedures and important
safety messages, please consult your
Owners Manual, Navigation/Uconnect
Manuals and other Warning Labels in
your vehicle.
Not all features shown in this guide
may apply to your vehicle. For additional
information on accessories to help
personalize your vehicle, visit
www.mopar.com (U.S.), www.mopar.ca
(Canada) or your local Jeep brand dealer.
This User Guide is intended to familiarize you with the important features of
your vehicle. The DVD enclosed contains your Owner’s Manual, Navigation/
Uconnect Manuals, Warranty Booklets, Tire Warranty and Roadside
Assistance (new vehicles purchased in the U.S.) or Roadside Assistance (new
vehicles purchased in Canada) in electronic format. We hope you find it
useful. U.S. residents can purchase replacement DVD kits by visiting
www.techauthority.com and Canadian residents can purchase replacement
DVD kits by calling 1-800-387-1143.
The driver’s primary
responsibility is the safe
operation of the vehicle.
Driving while distracted
can result in loss of
vehicle control, resulting
in a collision and personal
injury. FCA US LLC
strongly recommends that
the driver use extreme
caution when using any
device or feature that may
take their attention o
the road. Use of any
electrical devices, such
as cellular telephones,
computers, portable
radios, vehicle navigation
or other devices, by the
driver while the vehicle is
moving is dangerous and
could lead to a serious
collision. Texting while
driving is also dangerous
and should never be done
while the vehicle is
moving. If you find
yourself unable to devote
your full attention to
vehicle operation, pull o
the road to a safe location
and stop your vehicle.
Some states or provinces
prohibit the use of cellular
telephones or texting
while driving. It is always
the driver’s responsibility
to comply with all
local laws.
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