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1. Product Overview
(1) Speaker (4) Charging Socket (5-pin USB) (7) Volume Increase (V+)
(2) Microphone (5) Mute Button (8) Volume Decrease (V-)
(3) LED (6) MFB Button (Multi-Function Button)
2. Pairing / Connecting
Before rst use you need to charge the Bluetooth Speakerphone for about 3 hours.
It is important to pair the speakerphone with your Bluetooth Mobile phone for the rst time use.
Pairing procedure:
1. Ensure the speakerphone is off
2. Once turned on the speakerphone, if not detected any connection, it will automatically go
to pairing mode, also you can put it go to pairing mode by pressing and holding the “MFB”
button until LED blink blue and red alternatively.
3. Search the device from your phone.
4. Once found “BTCK-10B’’, follow the steps and enter pin code 0000 to pair.
5. Connect the speakerphone to the device.
6. Speakerphone is ready for use now.
Once paired and connected, the speakerphone will be automatically connected to the device
whenever you turn the speakerphone on again, provided the device is in the range.
3. Basic Operations
Turn On / off
Turn On: From OFF, press and hold the “MFB” around 4 seconds until the indicator LED
ash Blue.
Turn Off: From On, press and hold the “MFB” around 4 seconds until the indicator LED ash
NOTE: 1. Once the unit is on, the LED indicator will ash blue every 10 seconds.
2. When losing connection, the speakerphone will automatically switch itself off in
30 minutes.
Answer a call: Press “MFB” button once.
End a call: Press “MFB” button once.
Reject a call: Press and hold the “MFB” button for 2 seconds to reject the call.
Voice Dial: Press the “MFB” button once and say the name of person you wish to call.
Re-dialing: Under standby mode, short press the “MFB” button twice for last number redialing.
Adjust the volume: During a call, press the “V+” or “V-” buttons.
Mute & Un-mute
Mute: During a call, short press the “MUTE” button to mute the speakerphone. The LED
will show red during mute mode.
Un-mute: Short press the “MUTE” button during mute mode to unmute the speakerphone.
Transfer calls
Speakerphone to Mobile Phone: During a call, press both of “V+” and “V-” buttons, and
the call is routed to your mobile phone.
Mobile Phone to Speakerphone: Press both "V+" and "V-" buttons to route the call to
4. Product Specication
Bluetooth Compliance: Bluetooth V2.1+EDR
Operating Frequency Band: 2.4GHz ~ 2.48GHz unlicensed ISM band
Output Power: Class 2, up to 10 meters
Support Proles: HSP and HFP Proles
Support Multiple Paired Device: Memorize paired data of 8 Bluetooth phones
Stand-by Time: Up to 980 hours/ 40 days
Talk Time: Up to 10-12 hours
Battery Charging Time: About 3 hours
Charger Voltage: DC5.0V, 400mA
Battery: 650mA, BL-5B (Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery)
The talk and standby times may vary when used with different mobile phones or other
compatible Bluetooth devices, usage settings, usage styles and environments.
5. Safety Information
To avoid any damage or malfunction of the device do not drop device from high places.
Keep device away form humidity, water and any other liquid. If the device is exposed to
any liquid, do not operate it to avoid any electrical shock, explosion and damage to the
device or yourself.
Do not place or keep this device near any heat source, such as, direct sun light,
radiators, stoves or other apparatus which produces heat. It may cause explosion,
degrade the performance and/or reduce battery life.
Do not modify, repair or disassemble device at discretion (Especially battery: It may
cause an explosion). Doing this will avoid the warranty.
Do not place heavy objects on the device.
Use only supplied and approved charger.
Replacement or service must be done by qualied service center or manufacturer.
Unplug this device when unused for long periods of time or during lightning storms.
The battery used in this device may present a risk of re or chemical burn if mistreated.
6. WEEE Symbol Information
This product should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end
of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human from
uncontrolled waste disposed, please separate the battery from the unit before
7. Technical Support & Product Tutorial
More information about this product and other Jay-tech products,
please refer to www.jay-tech.de
Bluetooth Hands free Car Kit:
Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR
One-touch answer, call rejection, last number redial
Voice dialling function (voice activation subject to voice activation enabled phones)
Advanced Built-in Microphone and Speaker
Full duplex sound quality
Up to 12 hrs talk time, 980 hrs standby time, 2-3 hrs charging time
(3) (4) (7) (8)
09. 2010

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