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Before you begin to use your new
Jabra Bluetooth® headset, you must fully
charge it and set it up by pairing it with
your selected Bluetooth device.
For customer service, full manual and for use with
your mobile phone see
If additional assistance is needed please call Jabra at
1.800.327.2230 (toll-free in USA) 1.603.579.5311 (Canada)
or visit us at our website at www.jabra.com/warhawk before returning
to the store where you purchased your Jabra Bluetooth headset.
Before you begin to use your new
Jabra Bluetooth® headset, you must fully
charge it and set it up by pairing it with
your selected Bluetooth device.
For customer service, full manual and for use with
your mobile phone see
If additional assistance is needed please call Jabra at
1.800.327.2230 (toll-free in USA) 1.603.579.5311 (Canada)
or visit us at our website at www.jabra.com/warhawk before returning
to the store where you purchased your Jabra Bluetooth headset.
Jabra BT125
Quick Start Guide
Part number 81-01832_RevB
2. Turning your headset on
Turning your headset on
3. Turning your headset o
Turning your headset o
Pairing your Jabra BT125 with PLAYSTATION®3
Pairing your Jabra BT125 with PLAYSTATION®3
1. Prepare your PLAYSTATION 3 for pairing by going to
Settings on the XrossMediaBar (XMB™) and selecting
Accessory Settings.
Prepare your PLAYSTATION 3 for pairing by going to
Settings on the XrossMediaBar (XMB™) and selecting
Accessory Settings.
2. Choose
Register Bluetooth Device.
Register Bluetooth Device.
3. On the next screen, select
Register Headset/Microphone/
On the next screen, select
Register Headset/Microphone/
4. Ensure your Jabra BT125 is o.
On your Jabra BT125, press and
hold the Answer/End button
for ve seconds, until a solid
blue light comes on, which
places the device in Bluetooth
discoverable mode.
Ensure your Jabra BT125 is o.
On your Jabra BT125, press and
hold the Answer/End button
for ve seconds, until a solid
blue light comes on, which
places the device in Bluetooth
discoverable mode.
5. Select
Start Scanning on your PS3.
Start Scanning on your PS3.
6. Your PS3 will scan and locate the Bluetooth device. Select it
from the list that appears.
Your PS3 will scan and locate the Bluetooth device. Select it
from the list that appears.
7. You will be asked for a
Pass Key. Enter 0000.
You will be asked for a
Pass Key. Enter 0000.
8. You may then set the microphone volume level and test the
device operation, by going back to Accessory Settings, and
selecting Audio Device Settings.
You may then set the microphone volume level and test the
device operation, by going back to Accessory Settings, and
selecting Audio Device Settings.
Congratulations! Your Jabra BT125 is paired with your
Congratulations! Your Jabra BT125 is paired with your
1. Charge your headset
Charge your headset
To charge using the PS3™ USB port, the PS3 should be on and
the cable must be plugged into the USB port.
To charge using the PS3™ USB port, the PS3 should be on and
the cable must be plugged into the USB port.
Jabra BT125
Quick Start Guide
Volume down
Volume bas
Volume up
Volume haut
Adjustable earhook
Oreillette réglable
Light indicator (LED)
Answer/end button
Voyant lumineux (DEL)
Charging socket
Touche Réponse/Fin
Jabra BT125

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jabra bt 125

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 58 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 23 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 58 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 23 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano, Português - 58 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 23 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 58 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 23 pagina's

Jabra bt 125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 58 pagina's

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