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UC-230 Remote Control Switch 1/2 MEW51204
UC-230 Remote Control Switch
The UC-230 electronic switch can replace a standard mechanical wall
switch. It is directly powered from the mains (230 V AC). By pressing the
switch up or down it works as a standard mechanical switch. At the same
time a built-in receiver in the UC-230 enables reception of control signals
transmitted from RC-xx remote controls or JA-60 wireless detectors. Thus
the mains electric circuit can be switched on or off using a remote control
or automatically when a wireless detector is triggered. Different operating
modes can be used (2 minutes pulse, over switching, on/off).
Power supply mains 230 V, 50 Hz
Switch output 25 W – 300 W
Built-in fuse F1.6 A
Coverage class IP 40
Operating temperature indoor, -10°C to +40°C
Working frequency 433.92 MHz
Working range (open area) RC-11 – max. 30 m
RC-22, RC-28, JA-60P, N – max. 100 m
Number of RC remotes or JA-60 detectors max.8
Note: If a momentary consumption is 2 A (for maximum 10 seconds)
and the permanent load doesn’t exceed 300 W, then a 2 A fuse can be
used (fluorescent lamps).
Complies with EN 60950, EN 300220, ETS 300683.
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this UC-230 is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
The UC-230 switch should be mounted as a usual wall switch.
Follow these steps:
Switch off the power and remove the old switch
Open the cover using a small
screw driver (see picture)
Connect the wires to the terminals
Attach the housing to the junction
box with screws (button A up)
Close the cover (LED indicator
must be in the upper right corner)
Switch on the power supply
Test the switch manually (press
upper part to switch it on, lower part
to switch it off)
In order to use the UC-230 for controlling fluorescent lamps with
consumption bellow 25W, connect the KF-01 compensation filter in
parallel to the lamp. This filter eliminates lamp flickering when it is
switched off.
Enrolling wireless remote controls and/or detectors
To enroll remote controls and/or wireless detectors to the UC-230,
proceed with the following steps:
1. Press and hold the upper side of the UC-230 (next to the LED
indicator) for 10 seconds.
2. The red LED will flash to confirm entering the learning mode.
3. Press a button of a remote control or insert batteries to a wireless
detector. The LED will turn off confirming that the accessory has
been enrolled.
4. You can repeat steps 1 – 4 and enroll more accessories (up to 8).
Note: The enrolling mode will automatically close in 20 seconds if no
accessory has been enrolled.
Operating modes
Enrolled JA-60 wireless detectors trigger the UC-230 for 2 minutes.
If you enroll RC-11 or RC-22 remote controls they will switch on with
one button and off with the other one.
However, you can select other functions for the remote controls. In
the enrolling mode (LED flashes red) press down the lower (B) UC-230
button. The LED color will change every time you press the button.
This allows you to select other operating modes:
Green flash overswitching mode (the enrolled button will
change the switch status every time it is pressed –
on- off-on -…) – suitable for RC-11, RC-22 and
RC-28 remotes.
Yellow flash 2 minutes pulse – the button enrolled in this mode
will trigger the UC-230 switch for 2 minutes
Red flash switch mode (one button on, the other off) –
suitable for RC-11 and RC-22 remotes
The function of the JA-60 wireless detectors remains the same
despite the color of the LED during enrollment (2 min. pulse)
Permament switch off - If you don't want the UC-230 to be triggered
byenrolled JA-60 detectors, switch off the UC-230 manually once
again. It means, that if red LED flashes on the UC-230, enrolled JA-
60 detectors are bypassed unitll the receiver is switched on again
(manually or by enrolled RC-xx remote control)
Permanent switching – If you want to have the UC-230 permanently
on, switch it on once again manually. This will obstruct reception of
radio instructions until it is switched off manually by pressing the
lower button.
LED indicator
The LED indicates the following status:
Red light = off
Flashing of red LED - off (enrolled detectors are bypassed)
Green light = on (enrolled detectors are bypassed)
Yellow light = on for 2 minutes
Optional function of the UC-230
The factory default setting (upper button – on, lower button – off) can be
changed if necessary.
After opening the cover (Caution – dangerous voltage inside!) press and
hold the B button and then scroll with the A button through the following
Green light = overswitching mode (operated by both the upper and
the lower button)
Yellow light = 2 minute pulse mode (operated by both the upper
and the lower button)
Red light = switch mode (factory setting)
Deleting the accessories
Switch the UC-230 to the enrolling mode. Then press and hold the
lower button on the UC-230 switch for 10 seconds. All enrolled items
will be deleted from the memory. LED will confirm this with short green
and red flashes.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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