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TP-87 programmable digital-bus thermostat 2 / 2 MKL52201
The SPAN parameter allows you to configure the
hysteresis – the accuracy to which the
temperature is regulated. One of the following
accuracy ranges can be selected: ±0.1˚C, ±0.2˚C
or ±0.5˚C.
Example: If the accuracy is adjusted to ±0.5˚C and the temperature is set to
24˚C, the thermostat switches the heating on when the temperature drops
below 23.5˚C and it switches it off if the temperature goes above 24.5˚C. In
reality the temperature scatter can be slightly higher because of the
temperature persistence of the room.
Warning: too high an accuracy can cause the heating to turn on and
off too frequently.
The t Lo parameter is the lower limit to which the
Economical temperature can be set.
The t Hi parameter is the upper limit to which the
Comfortable temperature can be set.
FL is the ON/OFF status of the floor heating
FL Lo is the lower floor-temperature threshold
(only significant to the floor sensor).
FL Hi is the upper floor-temperature threshold
(only significant to the floor sensor).
Selecting this item displays the current floor
AL Lo corresponds to the critically low
temperature. Any drop in temperature under
AL Lo causes a Panic signal to be sent to the
receiver (reporting a frost threat).
This item is reserved for future use.
The Corr parameter allows for a correction of
possible temperature measurement offsets. The
range of adjustable corrections is ±1°C.
This parameter allows you to enable or disable
thermostat adaptive mode. If enabled, the
thermostat switches on in advance according to
the temperature persistence of the heating
Selecting this item and pressing and holding the
knob for 5 seconds resets the thermostat to the
factory default settings.
By selecting OK and pressing the knob the menu
is escaped from.
The parameter ranges are restricted according to the following table:
Parameter Adjustment range Factory
0.1°C;0.2°C;0.5°C 0.2°C Hysteresis for
t Lo
+6°C to +40°C* 6°C Lower limit of
t Hi
+6°C to +40°C* 40°C Upper limit of
ON/OFF OFF Floor sensor ON/OFF
+6°C to +40°C* 22°C
Lower floor-
temperature threshold
+6°C to 40°C* 27°C
Upper floor-
temperature threshold
–9°C to +20°C 3°C Panic alarm
+30°C to +70°C 60°C Not applicable
0 Correction
On/OFF On Adaptive mode
+6°C to +40°C 18°C Economical
+6°C to +40°C 21°C Comfortable
* t Lo to t Hi, FL Lo to FL Hi, and to must be valid ranges: t Lo must
not be greater than t Hi and must not be greater than .
Party mode
You can put the thermostat into party mode by
briefly pressing the knob (indicated by symbols
and together). After then the thermostat
maintains the Comfortable temperature increased
by 2°C.
Party mode terminates whenever a switch to Economy temperature
regulation occurs (whether manual or scheduled).
Displaying the set temperature
When not being handled, the thermostat shows the current temperature in
the room. If you want to display the temperature which is set for the current
time, turn the knob. The set temperature will then flash on the display for 3
Floor heat detection
If enabled by setting FL On, floor temperature detection is performed using
a sensor located in the floor. The FL Lo and FL Hi parameters allow you to
set temperature thresholds for under-floor heating regulation:
If the current floor temperature is lower than FL Lo, the thermostat will
switch the heating on.
If the current floor temperature is higher than FL Hi, the thermostat will
switch the heating off.
Note: Floor heat detection is of a higher priority than room temperature
detection. This means that the current temperature in the room is taken into
account only when the current floor-temperature is between FL Lo and
FL Hi.
You can display the current floor temperature by entering the menu,
scrolling to the FL t parameter and pressing the knob (a re-press will cause a
return to the menu).
Integration into the OASiS system
To operate a heating system the Oasis control panel can also be
enrolled (sequence 299) to the MODE channel on the AC-80xx receiving
unit. A thermostat enrolled to the receiver can be operated via the PGX
programmable output. If the programmable output of the control
panel is switched on, the thermostat maintains the programmed
temperature. If the control panel’s output is switched off the thermostat
only triggers heating if the temperature drops below t Lo.
To operate the heating, RC-80 or RC-88 remote controls can be
enrolled to the MODE channel of the receiving unit (AC-80xx). The
heating can be switched on by remote controls to heat to the desired
temperature and also switched off where it only heats when the
temperature is below t Lo.
To disable heating when windows are open JA-80M or JA-82M
detectors can be enrolled to the MODE channel. If the windows are
closed it heats to the desired temperature and if windows are open it
heats only when the temperature is below t Lo.
The RESET function allows you to reset the device to the factory defaults
listed in the table. You can perform a RESET by selecting Res in the
adjustment menu and pressing and holding the knob for 5 seconds.
Power supply: via the receiver digital bus
Temperature measurement: +6°C to +40 ˚C
Temperature accuracy: adjustable: ± 0.1, ± 0.2 or ± 0.5 ˚C
Freeze alarm (panic transmission) temperature threshold: < AL Lo
configurable from –9°C to +20°C
Operational range: up to 200 m (twisted cable)
Operational temperature range: -10°C to + 70°C (low humidity)
Dimensions: 65 x 88 x 20 mm
Complies with EN 50130-4, EN 55022
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the TP-87 is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 2004/108/EC. The original of the conformity assessment
can be found on the web site www.jablotron.com, Technical
Support section.
Note: Although this product does
not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product
to the dealer or directly to the
manufacturer after use.

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