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TP-31 wireless thermostat - 1 - MJF51006
The TP-31 wireless thermostat
This thermostat can replace a common indoor residential thermostat.
It can be used with receivers produced by Jablotron such as the
UC-222, UC-6007, UC-6014 etc.). It is designed to be used with
electrical, gas or oil heating systems. The temperature adjustment can
be done very simply by turning a setting knob. The main advantage is
that there is no need for a cable between the thermostat and the
heating system.
The TP-31 should be mounted in a
dry indoor location. Choose a mounting
location about 1.5 meters above the
floor in an area with good air
circulation. Avoid places with draughts,
dead air spots and radiant heat from
the sun or appliances. It should not be
installed close to any metal structure or
other objects that may obstruct radio
signal transmissions
1. Remove the front housing of the
thermostat by gently pressing the tab
on the right side (using a screwdriver).
2. Attach the thermostat to desired
position on the wall with the two
3. Insert the battery.
4. Close the thermostat.
Mounting the UC-222 receiver unit
Note: only a qualified technician should provide installation and servicing.
Place the receiver unit in a suitable place near the heater. Wiring the unit
to the heater should only be done by a professional electrician.
1. Release the upper cover by
pressing the plastic tab on the
top side of housing.
2. Release the internal cover (1
3. Mount the unit to the desired
location (2 screws).
4. Connect power 230VAC/50Hz
to terminals L and N.
5. Two PE terminals are available
for a protective earth
6. Terminals C (common), N.O.
(normally open) and N.C.
(normally closed) are outputs
of the relay contact. This
contact is protected by a 6.3A fuse. The contacts are galvanically
Note: A built-in LED indicator indicates the status of the output relay
Temperature setting
The desired temperature can be set simply by turning a knob placed on the
top of the thermostat. If the set temperature is higher then actual temperature in
the room the red indicator on the thermostat will lit for 3 seconds after turning the
If it is set to À (anti-freezing mode), the thermostat will keep the temperature
at 6 ˚C ±0.5˚C.
The information to the receiver unit is sent in about 5 seconds after setting the
desired temperature. The LED on the receiver unit indicates heating.
Low battery
If the yellow low-battery indicator on the lower right corner of
thermostat is flashing, replace the battery.
Enrolling the thermostat to the receiver unit
The thermostat can be enrolled to the receiver unit in the following
1. Remove the battery from the thermostat for 1 minute.
2. Remove the upper housing from the receiver unit.
3. Keep pressing the button inside the receiver until the 4th LED starts
4. Insert the battery into the thermostat. The LEDs in the receiver will
flash once to confirm enrollment.
If the thermostat is delivered as a kit with the UC-222 receiver (TP-31 SET),
then it has already been pre-enrolled to the receiver unit in the factory, so it
is not necessary to enroll it again.
Each receiver unit can work with up to 8 thermostats. If any other device
(remote control etc.) has been enrolled to the receiver, the receiver must be
reset before enrollment of the thermostat. To reset the memory, make the
4th LED flash by pressing the button, and then press and hold the button
until all LEDs flash rapidly.
73 40
Thermostat TP-31
Power supply: 1x AA 1.5 V alkaline battery
Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5 ˚C
Temperature Measurement: 6 ˚C and 14 - 28˚C
Working frequency: 433.92 MHz
Coding: Digital, each thermostat has a unique
floating code
Working distance up to 100 m (open area)
Working temperature: -10 ˚C to + 50 ˚C
Dimension: 73 x 40 x 73 mm
Receiver unit UC-222
Power supply: 230 V AC 50 Hz, protection class II
Power drain: 1 VA (0.6 W) standby 1.8 VA (1 W) relay switched on
Frequency: 433.92 MHz
Coding: digital, each thermostat has a unique
floating code
Output relay: over switching dry contact, fused 6 A at 250 V
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the TP-31 is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
, section Technical support.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and local
regulations. Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the manufacturer after
230 V
AC / 50 Hz
max. F6.3 A / 250 V
desired temperature
low battery
Internet: www.jablotron.com
tel.: 483 559 999
fax: 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33

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