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The SP-02 speaker phone 2 / 2 MJV51400
The SP-02 speaker phone
The SP-02 half-duplex speaker phone allows a caller (user, an alarm
receiving centre operator etc) to talk and listen-in to the monitored
premises. The device can also be used for emergency calls by
pressing a button. The SP-02 should be connected to a communicator
equipped with a simulated telephone line (e.g. JA-80Y, JA-60GSM) or
to an analogue phone line.
Since the SP-02 only automatically answers phone calls from up to 8
authorized phone numbers, the phone line must support caller
identification (CLIP).It is possible to manually answer calls from
unauthorized phone numbers by pressing a button on the SP-02.
Programming can be locked by a 4-digit user code.
1. Installation
First insert the battery (2x
1.5V AA) – push the
grooved battery cover in
the direction from the
centre to the SP-02’s edge.
Then connect the SP-02 to
the control panel
communicator or to an
analogue PSTN line using
the cable supplied in the
If the batteries do not
have too low a voltage, the
SP-02 is ready for
operation which is
indicated by the green
indicator flashing. If the red
indicator flashes, then the
batteries are discharged
and it is necessary to
replace them (only use quality alkaline batteries).
Mount the device onto the desired location using the holder supplied
in the package.
2. Authorising phone numbers
SP-02 full operation is only possible using authorised tel. numbers –
they must be programmed before the device is used for the first time.
The phone line must support caller identification (CLIP). Jablotron
GSM communicators provide this feature automatically (except for
calls from phones with withheld numbers).
From any phone, make a call to the SP-02’s phone number (the
number of the line the SP-02 is connected to). As soon as the red
indicator starts flashing press the button to answer the call.
On your phone key-in programming instructions (sequences)
according to the table below.
Successful instruction performance is confirmed by 1 beep, an
incorrect instruction is indicated by 4 beeps.
Terminate the call and test the device functions.
Sequence Function
To store a current caller’s phone number to
memory number 1.
Phone number memorization (7 to 22 digits),
D is the phone number memory reference
The SP-02 automatically answers calls from
memorized phone numbers.
To erase a phone number in memory D
Setting the access code (4 digits) and locking
the SP-02 – first set at least one phone
Unlocking the SP-02, xxxx is a valid access
Setting table
Programming is only possible when the device is either reset or
unlocked by instruction #xxxx, where xxxx is a valid access code.
When the access code has been set, the SP-02 is automatically
locked. To re-enable programming the SP-02 must first be unlocked.
If locked, the calls from unauthorized phone numbers cannot be
answered by pressing the button on the SP-02.
If there is a fault (e.g. due to a low battery) 10 beeps sound.
Warning: If the SP-02 is locked and no phone number has been
memorized then further communication is impossible. In such a
case, a reset of the SP-02 must be performed. This also applies
when you forget the access code.
3. Listening and calling
The intercom automatically accepts incoming phone calls from up to
8 authorized (preset) phone numbers (see the setting table).
Successful establishment of communication is confirmed to the caller
by a long beep. The green LED is then lit on the SP-02 indicating that
the microphone is switched on (listening in to the premises). An
incoming phone call from an unauthorized phone number is indicated
by a flashing red LED. If the SP-02 is not locked, it is possible to
answer the call by briefly pressing its button.
By briefly pressing the button, the SP-02 will make an emergency
phone call to the phone number stored in the first number memory.
After confirmation by a long beep, the functions are the same as in the
case of an incoming phone call.
The caller’s phone keypad can be used for controlling
Key /
Switch over: microphone – listening
(toggled) speaker talking
Green LED
Switch on microphone – listening
and switch off speaker
Green LED
Switch on speaker – talking and switch
off microphone
0 Terminate the call
Green LED
Unlock the SP-02
(xxxx is a valid access code)
Operation table
If the SP-02 is not locked, briefly pressing its button has the same
function as key 1 on the phone. So it is also possible to change the
direction (listening/speaking) of communication from the premises end.
Only the caller can terminate the call by pressing key 0 or by hanging
up the phone. The call is also terminated automatically 5 minutes after
the last operation (pressing a key).
During testing it is recommend to keep some distance between the
SP-02 and the phone, otherwise unpleasant audio feedback can be
heard (howl-round).
Pressing the 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 or 9 key will result in communication being
muted. Communication can be restored by pressing any function key
4. Reset
A reset can be performed by pressing and holding the button on the
SP-02 while inserting the batteries (hold the button until the red
indicator stops flashing). This resets the device to factory default
settings (all phone numbers erased) and unlocks it.
5. Specification
Power supply 2x alkaline batteries AA 1.5V
Max. number of memorized tel. numbers 8
Analogue interface ETS 300 001, EN 301 437, TBR 21
EMC EN 50130-4, EN 55022
Safety EN 60950-1
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the SP-02 is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 99/5/EC (RTTE). The original
of the conformity assessment can be found on the web site
www.jablotron.com, Technical Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful
materials we suggest you return the product to the dealer or
directly to the manufacturer after use.

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