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RC-82 Wireless keyfob MZZ57800
RC-82 wireless keyfob
The keyfob is a component of the
JABLOTRON ALARMS Oasis security system.
It enables remote controlling of the security
system, triggering panic alarms or controlling
other appliances. The keyfob checks its battery
status and indicates a low battery. Its design
provides good weather-proof protection. The
keyfob is compatible with CA-1802A / 1803A
and CA-340 car alarms.
Figure: 1 LED indicator; 2 setting (ON) button;
3 unsetting (OFF) button; 4 bottom cover screws;
5 production code; 6 CR2032 battery (remove the
battery by pressing it in the direction of the arrow).
Keyfob enrolling to an Oasis control panel
The keyfob can be enrolled to a control panel
by pressing both buttons simultaneously. The
control panel must be in enrollment mode.
Detailed instructions can be found in the Oasis
control panel installer’s manual. The keyfob can
also be enrolled to the system by keying in a
serial number (5) which is on the bottom of the
If you want to remove the keyfob from the
system (e.g. when you have lost it) delete it
from the corresponding address in the control
The natural reactions of the pair of buttons
include setting, unsetting and panic alarm
triggering (by pressing both buttons
simultaneously). If a reaction other than
natural is set in the control panel this reaction
will only be triggered by button (2).
Using the keyfob with other products
In addition to Oasis control panels, the keyfob
can also be used with other Jablotron products
that communicate via Oasis protocol (e.g. UC-8x
and AC-8x relay receivers).The keyfob is also
compatible with CA-1802A / 1803A and CA-340
car alarms. Keyfob application details can be
found in the manual of the desired product.
Button lock (child lock system)
Buttons can be locked (blocked) against
unwanted pressing – a keyfob child lock. The
button lock is not enabled as a default. When a
button is pressed, a control command indicated
with a short flash of the LED (1) is sent
immediately. To activate the button lock press
and hold button (3). The LED (1) first flashes
briefly and then lights up again after 3s. When
the LED is on, press button (2) twice quickly.
Release both buttons then. The LED (1) flashes
twice in confirmation. To deactivate the button
lock, repeat the above-mentioned procedure.
The LED (1) flashes once in confirmation.
If the buttons are locked, control commands
can only be sent by pressing the relevant
button twice rapidly.
The double click control commands (panic
alarm, keyfob enrolling) are not blocked by the lock.
Keyfob battery replacement
The keyfob indicates low battery status by
several rapid flashes of the LED instead of one
short flash when a button is pressed. The keyfob
keeps working but its operating range decreases
gradually. The low battery indication ends when
a new battery (CR 2032 type) is inserted. A low
battery is also indicated at the security system
control panel (on the keypad, by a
communicator). The keyfob can be opened by
unscrewing the three screws holding its rear
Do not throw used batteries into ordinary
household waste. Dispose of them at authorized
collection points.
Technical specifications
Power supply lithium battery type CR 2032 (3.0 V)
(Power supply type C acc. to EN 50131-6)
Battery lifetime approx 4 years (5 activations a day)
Communication band 868 MHz
Communication range approx 30 m (direct visibility)
Environment according to EN 50131-1 II indoor general
Operating temperature range -10° to +40°C
Classification according to EN 50131-1 Grade II
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Conformity ETSI EN 300220
EN 50130-4, EN 55022, EN 60950-1
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the
RC-82 wireless keyfob is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of Directive 1999/5/EC. The original of the
conformity assessment can be found at
www.jablotron.com - Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any
harmful materials we suggest you return the product
to the dealer or directly to the producer after use. For
more detailed information visit www.jablotron.com.

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