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RC-60 Remote Control
The RC-60 is a wireless transmitter designed to control Jablotron
control panels via 3rd party wired access control devices (e.g.
proximity cad readers, mechanical locks with switches etc.). The RC-60
converts control signals from these devices into the wireless control
signals accepted by the JA-60, JA-63 and JA-65 control panels.
Additionally, it can be used to trigger UC-2xx receivers for various
home automation applications.
There are two input terminals (A & B) as well as a tamper input. The
tamper signal is transmitted if the RC-60 is opened or removed from the
The battery status of the RC-60 is checked automatically.
RC-60 Remote Control 2 / 2 MGW51006
Power supply 2 AAA alkaline batteries
Battery lifetime approx. 1 year
Frequency 433.92 MHz
RF Power
10 mW
Coding digital floating code
Operating range up to 100 m (open area)
Inputs A and B triggered by switching to GND
TMP tamper input must be connected to GND
Input wires length max 0.5 m
Environment class II, general interior (-10 to +40 °C)
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Complies with ETSI EN 300 220, ETS 300 683, EN 60950
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this RC-60 is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
Open the cover by pressing in the tab on the bottom side of the detector.
Electronics and batteries are located inside the front cover.
Attach the bottom part to the wall or the frame of the door or window
using the provided screws.
Be sure that the antenna is vertical (pointing up or down).
Example of connection
There are 4 input terminals:
TMP – when disconnected from the GND terminal it triggers the tamper
signal transmission (similar to opening the cover). If you do not use this
terminal, keep it connected to the GND.
A – when connected to the GND, the input A is triggered. If the MODE
jumper is closed, the ARM instruction will be transmitted.
B – when connected to the GND, the input B is triggered. If the MODE
jumper is closed, the DISARM instruction will be transmitted.
GND – ground terminal
The triggering wires should not be longer then 0.5 m. It is
recommended to use twisted pairs or screened cables.
Both mechanical and electronic switches can be used to trigger the A
& B inputs.
Enrolling the remote control
Read carefully the installation manual of the receiver. The JA-60, JA-63
and JA-65 control panels must be set to the enrolling mode. The detector
will generate an enrollment signal after the batteries are installed.
The procedure for enrolling into a UC-2xx is usually the same or an input
must be triggered (see a corresponding manual).
The MODE jumper enables the setting of the following modes:
MODE jumper is closed – the basic mode:
Temporary or permanent connection of the A input to the GND
causes ARM signal transmission. Disconnecting from the GND has
no effect.
Temporary or permanent connection of the B input to the GND
causes DISARM signal transmission. Disconnecting from the GND
has no effect.
This mode is suitable for arming and disarming control panels or for
UC-2xx triggering.
MODE jumper is open - the status and pulse mode:
Connecting the A input to the GND triggers the ARM signal.
Disconnecting it from the GND triggers the DISARM signal. This
means that the A terminal converts its status into controlling signals.
Temporary or permanent connection of the B input to the GND
causes PANIC signal transmission. Disconnecting from the GND
has no effect.
All triggering signals must be longer then 100 ms.
The MODE jumper status changes are in effect only after closing the
Battery replacement
The RC-60 automatically checks the condition of its batteries. If it is
necessary to replace the batteries, the RC-60 will inform the system. If a low
battery is indicated, it should be replaced as soon as possible.
Before the batteries are replaced, the receiver (control panel) must be put
into the mode, which allows for the opening of the remote control. Use only
high quality alkaline AAA batteries for replacement.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries
and local regulation. Even though this product does not contain any
harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after usage.

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