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RC-40 Remote Control 2/2 MGE51003 RC-40 Remote Control 2/2 MGE51003
RC-40 Remote Control
The RC-40 combines two pairs of buttons (A&B and 1&2). It can be used to operate
multiple wireless Jablotron devices. For example, one RC-40 can control your car alarm
and your house alarm system or two independent partitions in a house alarm or up to 6
different devices when used with Jablotron UC receivers.
The RC-40 can send 6 instructions (A,B,1,2,A+B,1+2). It has a unique optional
“keypad locking” feature (to prevent accidental activation or its unauthorized use). The
RC-40 remote control is compatible with following Jablotron products:
Wireless alarms: JA-6x (COMFORT, PROFI & MAESTRO)
Universal receivers: UC-216, UC-222, UC-280 & UC-281
Wireless wall switch: UC-230
Wireless door bell & minialarm: UC-260
Car alarms: CA-32x ACCENT and CA-10 REX
Car central locking: CL-301 and CL-302
Locking the remote control keypad
To enable the locking feature unscrew and open the housing and remove the battery. Press the A button
and while pressed reinsert the battery and keep holding the A button until the LED indicator flashes.
Reassemble the remote control.
To lock keys, press simultaneously any two diagonal buttons (A+2 or B+1) until the LED indicator will
flash. Now all buttons are locked. The LED indicator will rapidly blink if you press any button, but no signal
will be transmitted.
To unlock the keys press any two diagonal buttons simultaneously (the same as locking).
To disable locking – perform enabling procedure (see above), disabling will be indicated by a flash of the
Enrolling the RC-40 into a receiver
Read carefully the receiver’s instructions. If a simultaneous pressing of A+B is requested to enroll the remote
control (for example into a JA-6x control panel), you can use A+B and also 1+2. This way you can enroll the RC-
40 as two different remote controls (right and left side buttons).
Battery replacement
When the battery is running low and the remote control working range gets shorter, replace it with a new
one (type L1016).
Power 6V battery (L1016 type)
Battery lifetime typically 1 year
Frequency 433.92 MHz
Coding digital floating security code
Keypad locking optional feature
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Complies with EN ETSI 300220, ETS 300683 and EN 50134.
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this RC-40 is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be found at
the web page www.jablotron.cz
, section Technical support.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and local regulation. Although
this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after usage.
RC-40 Remote Control
The RC-40 combines two pairs of buttons (A&B and 1&2). It can be used to operate
multiple wireless Jablotron devices. For example, one RC-40 can control your car
alarm and your house alarm system or two independent partitions in a house alarm or
up to 6 different devices when used with Jablotron UC receivers.
The RC-40 can send 6 instructions (A,B,1,2,A+B,1+2). It has a unique optional
“keypad locking” feature (to prevent accidental activation or its unauthorized use). The
RC-40 remote control is compatible with following Jablotron products:
Wireless alarms: JA-6x (COMFORT, PROFI & MAESTRO)
Universal receivers: UC-216, UC-222, UC-280 & UC-281
Wireless wall switch: UC-230
Wireless door bell & minialarm: UC-260
Car alarms: CA-32x ACCENT and CA-10 REX
Car central locking: CL-301 and CL-302
Locking the remote control keypad
To enable the locking feature unscrew and open the housing and remove the battery. Press the A button
and while pressed reinsert the battery and keep holding the A button until the LED indicator flashes.
Reassemble the remote control.
To lock keys, press simultaneously any two diagonal buttons (A+2 or B+1) until the LED indicator will
flash. Now all buttons are locked. The LED indicator will rapidly blink if you press any button, but no signal
will be transmitted.
To unlock the keys press any two diagonal buttons simultaneously (the same as locking).
To disable locking – perform enabling procedure (see above), disabling will be indicated by a flash of the
Enrolling the RC-40 into a receiver
Read carefully the receiver’s instructions. If a simultaneous pressing of A+B is requested to enroll the remote
control (for example into a JA-6x control panel), you can use A+B and also 1+2. This way you can enroll the RC-
40 as two different remote controls (right and left side buttons).
Battery replacement
When the battery is running low and the remote control working range gets shorter, replace it with a new
one (type L1016).
Power 6V battery (L1016 type)
Battery lifetime typically 1 year
Frequency 433.92 MHz
Coding digital floating security code
Keypad locking optional feature
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Complies with EN ETSI 300220, ETS 300683 and EN 50134.
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this RC-40 is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be found at
the web page www.jablotron.cz
, section Technical support.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and local regulation. Although
this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after usage.

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