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The OS-350 outdoor siren 2 MGZ51006
The OS-350 outdoor siren
The OS-350 is an outdoor non-backup siren combining a loud acoustic
siren with a flashing light. The high-powered flashing light helps to locate the
active siren. If necessary another piezo-electric siren (ACM-OS360) can be
The siren’s housing is made of mechanical, weather and UV resistant
plastic. The electronic circuit board is protected against air humidity by
double-layer varnish.
The device is protected by two magnetic tamper switches.
If higher security is demanded, we recommend using the OS-360 or the
OS-365 backup outdoor siren.
The siren should be fixed to a place which is not easily accessible, and
protected against direct rain if possible. It is recommended to place the siren
in visible places to discourage the offender. It is also an advantage if the
flashing light could be seen from a distance to help the police or security
guards with locating the active siren.
Do not place the siren near eaves where ice could form in winter.
Remove the plastic cover by removing two screws (under plastic caps)
with a screwdriver
Route all cabling into the siren through the desired hole on the rear part
Fix the siren in the desired place by hanging the siren housing on the top
screw and fix it using two other screws.
Connect the wires from the control panel to the siren (see examples of
connections on Picture 2).
Fix the cable using the plastic holder which is to the left of the board
Assemble the siren and tighten the screws
Insert the plastic caps on the screws
TAMP NC tamper switch output (connected in series with the 68R
protection resistor)
GND ground terminal
+12V power voltage terminal (+10 to 15V)
Please keep in mind the high acoustic power of the siren and
protect your hearing during testing.
When a voltage is connected to the +12V and GND terminals, the piezo
siren sounds and the light flashes.
When the siren is opened or removed from the wall the TAMP contact is
Note: the resistance of the TAMP zone when closed is 70 ohms because
a 68R resistor is implemented as protection for the reed contacts.
siren connector
LED flash light
Picture 1- the top side of the electronic circuit board
L4 tamper
reaction is set to
Picture 2 - example of connection with the JA-63K(R) control panel
Warning! If the siren is activated when the siren connector (see
picture 1) is being disconnected, the siren will not be damaged, but
there will be high voltage
on the terminal.
Power supply 10 to 17 V DC
Consumption 250 mA / 12 V
Siren piezo-electric, 112 dB /1 m
With second piezo-electic siren (ACM-OS360) 116 dB /1 m
Enclosure IP 34D
Security grade 2 EN 50131-1, EN 50131-4
Environmental class IV -25 to +60°C
Dimensions 230 x 158 x 75 mm
EMC EN 50130-4, EN 55022
Safety EN 60950-1
hereby declares that the
OS-350A is in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive 2004/108/EC,
2006/95/EC. The original of the conformity assessment can
be found on the web site www.jablotron.com, Technical
Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful
materials we suggest you return the product to the dealer or
directly to the manufacturer after use.

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