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Digital keypad KB-2051 4/1 MCM51200
2 = silent -panic code works as a valid access code, but the output terminal OUT is also triggered
(silently) after you enter the panic code. Factory default: 1 (audible panic)
[8] [x] - function of the OUT terminal in the control panel mode (x - 1 to 4), 1 = panic, 2 = alarm
memory, 3 = pre-alarm, 4 = armed. This setting will function only under the control panel mode.
Factory default: 4 (armed)
[9] [x] - Quick arming (x - 0 or 1) 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. You can enter [] [0] instead of your
access code to arm the keypad if the quick arming is enabled. It can be used only for arming, not for
disarming. This command works only for the LATCH and the control panel mode.
Factory default: 0 (disabled)
You can exit the installer programming level by either pressing the [#] key, (resulting in no data being
stored to the memory and the sounding of the shrill sounding beep), or by pressing the [] key to store the
data. Only if you use [] to return to the stand by mode will the data you programmed be valid. All of the data
is stored in the non voltage memory, so they will not be lost even if the power is switched off.
COMPLETE RESET: In the event that the master code or installer code is forgotten (or for some other
reason), it is possible to completely reset all the settings of the KB-2051 to the factory default. To do this,
open the unit (be careful of the tamper switch), disconnect the power for one minute. Then install the jumper
RESET on the keypad board. Reconnect the power supply. Wait 2 seconds and remove the jumper.
User guide:
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the
product to the dealer or directly to the producer after usage.
A simple yet powerful device suitable for both Access Control and Command & Control solutions. With this
digital controlled keypad, you will not only enjoy a high level of security, but also be freed from carrying your
keys with you. This keypad can also be programmed to be used as a small alarm control panel
DESCRIPTION: Output relay contacts are controlled by access codes. It works in a PULSE, LATCH, or
PULSE MODE: When you enter a valid access code, the output relay is switched ON for a designated time
period (programmable). LATCH MODE: Each valid access code changes the output relay condition (ON-
CONTROL PANEL MODE: You can use this device as a security control panel with a delay input loop. This
way it is possible to arrange small alarm systems without a control panel. There is an input loop where
detectors can be connected. In this mode an exit/entrance and an alarm duration timer are programmable.
Alarm memory and pre-alarm signals are available as well.
The keypad also provides one output (OUT terminal) which works as a PANIC signal output in the
PULSE and LATCH modes. The OUT terminal can have different (programmable) functions in the control
panel mode. The panic signal can be activated by a programmable number of unsuccessful attempts to
enter the access code. Or, you can trigger this output with an PANIC code. You can choose an audible
PANIC signal as a response to the PANIC code, or you can have a silent PANIC signal. This feature can
be very useful in the case you are forced to enter your access code under pressure. In such a situation you
can operate the keypad with your silent panic code, which will work as your proper access code. At the
same time, it will also silently call for help. The KB-2051 is also protected with a tamper switch.
power voltage: 11 - 16VDC
consumption: 10mA (relay off), 50mA (on)
output relay: contacts N.O./N.C. max.1A/100V
output OUT: transistor to GND 0.3A/24VDC
tamper switch: NC contact 1A/100V
built in buzzer: 70dB/0.3m
working temperature: -15 to +75
codes: Master Code, five User Codes, Panic
Code, One Time Use Code and Installer Code. All
codes are four digits.
memory: non-voltage
Complies with the essential requirements of:
89/336/EC EMC Directive - Protection concerning
electromagnetic compatibility when is used for its
intended purpose.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page www.jablotron.cz,
section Technical support.
Front panel
A - (Green LED) indicates current status (relay condition in pulse or latch mode, arm indication in
control panel mode).
B - (Red LED) free use - this LED lights when the LED terminal is connected to the GND.
SET MODE - (Red LED) indicates that you have entered the programming mode.
Keypad: All keypad functions can be controlled by or programmed with the keypad. Pressing the [#]
key erases the input buffer (stops the programming) and acts as an ESC function.
INSTALLATION: Mounting the keypad - select a suitable location for both easy operation and wiring.
After opening the unit by pressing down on the plastic lock, mount the rear housing on the desired surface
(use two screws or double sided adhesive tape).
C, NC, and the NO terminals are the output relay over stitching contacts (max 1A/ 100V).
TAMP terminals are the outputs for the tamper switch (normally closed).
GND, +12V power supply 12VDC should be connected to these terminals. Voltage must not be
switched on before finishing and checking installation!

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