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The JA-80V LAN / PSTN line communicator - 1 - MKA51202
The JA-80V LAN / PSTN line communicator
The communicator is a component of the Jablotron Oasis 80 system. It
is designed to be installed within the control panel housing. This
manual is valid for firmware version XA64005.
When connected to a PSTN telephone line and LAN (Ethernet) data
network it allows the following:
event reporting by SMS (to up to 8 telephone numbers)
event reporting by phone call with an acoustic warning
event reporting to an ARC (Automatic Receiving Centre – also
known as a Central Monitoring Station) - up to 2 ARCs
remote control and programming by phone (remotely authorizing a
phone keypad or by SMS instructions)
the remote control of appliances in a house by dialling in from an
authorized number (free of charge with unanswered calls)
remote control and programming via the Internet (www.GSMlink.cz
The communicator can also be connected only to a telephone line or
only to a LAN network. In these cases it will provide the following
tel. line only: remote control by phone, event reporting by SMS
and by phone calls and event reporting to ARC2 (CID protocol)
LAN only: remote access via the Internet, event reporting to
ARC1 (IP CID protocol)
1. Installation in the control panel
If you purchased the communicator module separately, it should first
be installed in the Oasis control panel as follows:
a) The control panel power must be switched off (both mains and
b) Fit the communicator inside the control panel housing using
screws and connect its digital bus RJ cable to the main board
c) Connect the PSTN telephone line cable – the telephone line
should support CLIP protocol (EN 300 089 V3.1.1) with Caller ID
recognition and SMS transfer in text format activated (contact your
phone line provider for more details).
Ethernet - LAN
Label with
Ethernet status LED
ARC data status
RC communication fault
control panel
Fig. 1 Communicator wiring
2. Powering up the communicator for the
first time
If the communicator is installed in the control panel then:
a) Have the LAN (Ethernet) cable ready
b) Switch on the control panel power (mains and battery). The
communicator’s green LED should turn on = no events to send to
the ARC.
c) If your LAN network does not provide an automatic DHCP,
program the Ethernet network parameters manually (see 5.18).
d) connect the LAN cable (10/100 Mbit). If communication with the
network is correct the yellow LED will be constantly lit.
If it starts flashing, check the DHCP parameters, if it turns off (after
3 sec. of flashing) then the communicator is not connected to the
Ethernet at all.
e) If communication to an ARC is desired, then all ARC parameters
have to be programmed according to the ARC provider’s
f) Key in 98101 - to set texts of the communicator to English
g) Close the control panel cover
3. User functions of the communicator
The following text describes all communicator features. The installer
should show the end user how to operate the functions used in a
particular installation.
3.1. Temporarily authorizing a phone keypad to be a system
It is possible to operate the system remotely by temporarily authorizing
a phone keypad as follows:
a) dial the system’s phone number
b) after 25 seconds of ringing (programmable) the system will answer
with a short beep
c) key in a valid access code on the telephone keypad (e.g. 8080 or
1234 if factory default settings are still valid)
d) the phone keypad will behave as a system keypad and an acoustic
signal in the receiver will indicate the control panel status: 1 beep =
SET, 2 beeps = UNSET, 3 beeps = Service mode, 4 beeps = incorrect
code entry, siren sound = alarm
e) now the system can be operated from the phone keypad the same
way as from the system keypad – including the commands starting with
(for example 81 to turn the PGX output on)
f) to exit this mode simply end the phone call (if nothing is entered
within a minute, the phone call will end automatically anyway)
do not enter sequences on the phone too fast, each key signal
needs a certain time to be sent
a fixed-line phone can also be used to operate the system
remotely the same way (the phone must use tone dialling)
Phone keypads have to be re-authorized each time the system is
called by entering the codes specified earlier, as phone keypads are
only authorized as system keypads for the duration of a call to the
3.2. SMS instructions to control the system remotely
The telephone line connected to the communicator is used to receive
SMSes but has to support CLIP protocol for SMS transfer in text form
for this feature to work. The SMS transfer parameters should also be
programmed – see 5.11 and 5.12.
All incoming SMSes are checked by the communicator and if there are
any instructions to the system, they will be performed. Each instruction
message must have the following format:
code instruction
(valid code space instruction)
Valid code = any valid code in the system (e.g. 8080, 1234 etc.)
The factory-default instruction texts (editable – see 5.4)
Instruction Function Notes
SET setting (arming)
UNSET unsetting
setting or unsetting (the same way as
if the code used is entered on the
system keypad), If the system is
already in the desired mode, it will not
STATUS status
including ARC communication (shown
as MS1 and MS2)
MEMORY last event
The last event recorded in the control
panel memory
PGX ON turns on PGX
PGX OFF turns off PGX
PGY ON turns on PGY
PGY OFF turns off PGY
the PG output has to be programmed
for the function: on/off (by 237/247) or
2 second switching (by 238/248)
Example: by sending: “code SET” (valid code space SET) the system
will set (if it is already set it will not change its status)
performance of the instruction is confirmed by an SMS reply

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