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JA-80Q module 2/2 MKE52702
The JA-80Q photo transmission module
The JA-80Q is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis JA-80 system. It is
designed for transmitting photographs between a wireless detector
equipped with a camera and a communicator of type JA-80Y (GSM/GPRS)
or JA-80V (LAN/TEL). The module is to be installed within the control panel
Installation in the control panel
If you purchased the module separately, it should first be installed in
the Oasis control panel as follows:
1. The control panel power must be switched off (both mains and
2. Plug the JA-80Q module (in the control panel) into the same digital
bus connector that is designed (by default) for a JA-80Y connection.
3. For the parallel use of a JA-80Y communicator, if any, use the
connector available on the JA-80Q to connect the communicator.
Control panel
JA-80Q emodul
Communicator connection
Fig. 1 Module wiring
Enrolling camera-equipped detectors
Installation shall only be undertaken by technicians holding a certificate
issued by an authorized distributor.
1. Enter service mode on the control panel and press key 1 to enter
enrollment mode (see the control panel manual).
2. Enroll the JA-84P detector to the control panel by connecting its
battery (see the JA-84P manual).
3. Exit enrollment mode on the control panel.
Note: If the detector had been enrolled to the control panel before
JA-80Q installation, you do not have to re-enroll it to the system. Instead,
you only need to enter enrollment mode and exit it afterwards. This way the
module will retrieve all the relevant information from the control panel.
Programming the communicator
Successful transmission to the web server running a picture viewer
requires the server IP address to be programmed in the JA-80Y or
JA-80V communicators. The URL address of Jablotron’s picture viewer is
http://img.jablotron.com. IP adress is : port 7070
1. Enter service mode on the control panel.
2. Program the required IP address together with the port used for
data transfer using Comlink software (go to the ARC tab panel) or by
keying in the sequence:
013 *8 xxx xxx xxx xxx yyyyy *0
where: xx..x is a 12 digit IP address and
y..y is a 5 digit number specifying the port. See also
the manual of the communicator.
Example: 013
8 07070
3. Exit service mode on the control panel.
Important notes:
The setting or change in the parameter is valid after escaping
service mode.
The SMS information about a new picture on the server is sent to all
phone numbers which are set to get reported event number 01 “Intruder
alarm - instant”. This information contains a link to the new picture on
the server. This feature is available on the JA-80Y from software version
XA61009 and on the JA-80V from software version XA64005.
LED signalling
After taking a photo using the detector’s camera the picture is
transmitted to the control panel and subsequently to the JA-80Q module via
the digital bus. This is indicated by green LED flashing. Successful
transmission is confirmed by a long green flash (2 sec). Unsuccessful
transmission is indicated by a series of rapid green flashes at the end.
Having been successfully received by the JA-80Q module, the picture
is then transferred via the communicator to the pre-programmed web
server. This transfer is indicated by a red LED flashing on the JA-80Q
module. Successful transfer is confirmed by a long red flash (2 sec).
Unsuccessful transfer is indicated by a series of rapid red flashes at the
The overall time needed for the photo to be transferred from the
camera to the web server is about 20 seconds. In the case of a weak
signal, a delay may occur (due to the data being sent repetitively). Each
photo contains a date and time stamp for its creation (the value also
depends on the control panel settings). Time synchronization requires at
least 60 minutes to have elapsed from the moment of connecting the
Technical specifications
Power supply 5 V DC (from the control panel)
Stand-by consumption approx. 2 mA
Environment according to EN 50131-1 Class II indoor-general
Operational temperature -10 to 40°C
EMC EN 55022, EN 50130-4
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the
JA-80Q is in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 2004/108/EC. The original
of the conformity assessment can be found at
www.jablotron.com, Technical Support section
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the product
complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause
harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications no expressly approved by
Jablotron could void the user’s authority to operate the
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful
materials we suggest you return the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after use.

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