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The JA-80M wireless magnetic door detector 1 MHQ51405
The JA-80M wireless magnetic door detector
The JA-80M is a component of Jablotron’s Oasis 80 alarm system. It is
designed to detect the opening of doors, windows etc. It can also be
extended by a normally closed sensor. The battery-powered detector
communicates via OASIS radio protocol.
mag. sensor
3,6V AA
Installation shall only be undertaken by technicians holding a certificate
issued by an authorized distributor.
This detector reacts to the removal of its magnet unit. The electronics
should be installed onto the non-moving part of windows or doors, and the
magnet onto the moving part. The detector should be installed vertically.
Avoid locating it directly on a metal frame as metal influences the
functioning of the magnetic sensor and radio communication. If the door
or window is made of metal, we recommend installing the detector unit
away from the metal and wiring up an external wired magnetic sensor
which is connected to the detector. See the following instructions:
1. Open the detector cover by pressing the tab in.
6.2. Screw the rear cover to the solid part of the door/window.
7.3. Attach the magnet to the moving part of the window. Its
distance from the detector should not exceed 5mm when the
door/window is closed. The lower edge of the magnet should be
aligned with the lower edge of the detector. Only a single magnet
can be installed, either on the left side or the right side of the
4. Leave the battery disconnected and the cover open and
then follow the control panel or receiver manual. The basics of
enrollment are:
1. Enter enrollment mode on the control panel by keying in “1” in
Service mode.
2. Install a battery into the detector to activate enrollment.
6.3. Exit enrollment mode by pressing “#”
After installing a battery into the detector, allow up to 30 seconds for
stabilisation. During this period the LED is continuously lit.
To enroll a detector after having already connected a battery, first
disconnect the battery, and press and release the tamper sensor to
discharge any remaining charge to ready the device for enrollment.
DIP switches
MG ON / MG OFF Allows the internal magnetic sensor inside the
detector to be disabled when the detector is only to be used with external
sensors wired to its terminals.
INS / DEL DEL provides entrance & exit delays for detectors installed in
a building entrance.
INS allows the detector to instantly trigger alarm
activation if the control panel is armed. This DIP switch (INS/DEL) only
has an effect if the detector has a natural reaction assigned to its
address in the Oasis control panel.
It also has no effect when used with a
UC-8x or AC-8x receiver.
Opening the cover makes the detector react with a tamper signal.
Open/closed status detection
The detector is factory-set to indicate both opening and closing so that the
control panel knows the status of doors/windows. If a pulse mode is
desired to indicate only opening, keep the tamper switch pressed while
installing the battery. Not pressing the tamper switch gives open and closed
status signals.
Wiring up the external sensor
External sensors can be wired to the detector. It is possible to protect more
doors/windows or to wire in other types of wired detectors. There are two
inputs, IN and TMP which react when disconnected from the GND common
IN: If the IN terminal is disconnected from GND it sends the same signal to
the control panel as if the magnet had been removed from the detector. The
internal magnetic sensor can be disabled by DIP switch if desired.
TMP: The TMP terminal sends a tamper signal to the control panel if
disconnected from GND.
Note: If any of these two inputs is not used, it must be shorted to the GND
Wiring example
Testing the detector
15 minutes after closing the detector cover, the LED indicates detector
triggering. The strength and quality of detector signals can be measured
by the control panel in Service mode.
Battery replacement
The detector monitors its battery voltage and if too low, a transmission is
sent to the control panel to inform the installer or user. The detector
continues to function and shows each triggering of the detector with a flash
of its LED. Battery replacement should not be delayed by more than two
weeks. This should be done by a qualified technician with the control panel
in Service mode.
Expired batteries should not be thrown into the garbage, but disposed of
according to local regulations.
Removing the detector from the system
If a detector is removed, the control panel announces the removal. The
detector has to be deleted in the control panel before intentional removal.
Technical parameters
Voltage: Lithium battery type LS(T)14500 (3,6V AA)
Typical battery lifetime: approx. 3 years for 20 daily activations maximum
Communication band: 868 MHz, Oasis protocol
Communication range: approx. 300m (open area)
Typical sensitivity range of the built-in magnetic sensor 45/25mm
Inputs for external sensors IN and TMP = normally closed loops
Dimensions 110 x 31 x 26 mm
magnet: 56 x 16 x 15 mm
Operational environment according to EN 50131-1 II. Indoor general
Operational temperature range -10 to +40 °C
EN 50131-1,CLC/TS 50131-2-6, EN 50131-5-3 classification: grade 2
Complies with
ETSI EN 300220, EN50130-4, EN55022, and EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-80M is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and complies with
part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This
device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications no expressly approved by Jablotron could void
the user´s authority to operate the equipment.
The original of the conformity
assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you
return the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after use.

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