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JA-63F wireless keypad 1 / 1 MKP51101
The JA-63F wireless keypad
The JA-63F keypad is designed to control and program alarm systems of
Jablotron’s JA-60 series. The keypad is equipped with backlit keys, built-in
LED signalling, acoustic signalling, and a display. It conveys information
about the system status in a convenient way. The keypad communicates
The keypad has a single input which is designed for door contact
connections. Any undesirable mishandling of the keypad (like opening its
housing or tearing the keypad off its position) will trigger tamper signalling. In
addition, the number of attempts to enter an access code is checked not to
exceed a given limit. The keypad performs regular auto-testing and reports
its condition (including loss of communication) regularly to the system for full
Select the desired keypad location close to the building’s entrance. Under
optimum conditions in an open area, the keypad’s communication range is
about 80 meters. Indoors the distance of the keypad from the control panel
should not exceed 20 meters. Before fixing to the desired location check the
keypad’s radio communication with the control panel. The need for a good
quality radio connection must be taken into account during installation. The
keypad communicates bi-directionally and any radio communication
obstructions or interference can reduce the operating distance.
1. Open the keypad’s rear housing (by pressing the two tabs on the left or
right side).
2. Enter enrollment mode on the control panel (see the control panel instal-
lation manual) and insert the battery into the keypad.
3. Battery insertion will trigger enrollment to the control panel.
4. Exit enrollment mode by pressing the N key and test the keypad func-
tions from the desired location.
5. When using with an external door detector, wire up the detector to the
INP and GND terminals.
6. Mount the rear housing onto the desired location.
7. Close the keypad’s housing (attach the front housing on one side and
push it on the other side).
The keypad can operate and program the system to the full extent as it is
described in the control panel manual.
The following table describes the meaning of symbols on the keypad LED
Power supply
Set (Armed)
Wireless communication indication
Functions F1 through F0 can be used as described in the control panel
manual. Besides this, there are 4 extra keys with the following functions:
Setting (Arming)
(equal to F1 entry)
Door opening
(equal to F3 entry)
Partial setting
(equal to F2 entry)
Panic (access under
(equal to F7, before ac-
cess code entry)
Keypad sleep mode
When battery-powered, the keypad saves energy by turning itself off after
10 seconds of inactivity. After then, the keypad will not indicate system
status, neither will it be able to indicate acoustically that an entrance
delay has begun. The keypad is woken up by pressing any key or triggering
a connected wired door detector.
If the keypad unit is powered by an AC adaptor there is no sleep mode.
The system status is indicated permanently and the keypad is also capable
of acoustic indication.
External door detector
If a door detector is wired up then its
triggering (by the detector’s loop dis-
connection) has the same effect as
pressing a key. This will exit keypad
sleep mode and the keypad will display
the current system status. If the system
is set (armed) then the entrance delay
will start – this means that the keypad
will simultaneously behave as a door
Short circuit terminals INP and GND if the input is not used.
Note: The lifetime of the battery is reduced proportionally to how fre-
quently the door detector is triggered and how often and how long the
keypad is battery-powered.
Optional power adapter
If you want the JA-63F keypad to indicate the system status permanently, it
should be powered by an external power adapter with an output voltage of
12 VDC (stabilized). We recommend use of the Jablotron DE01-12 power
To install the keypad with an adapter, follow the installation instructions as
above but connect the adapter outlet to the keypad terminals with the adap-
tor unpowered (make sure the polarity is correct) before inserting the battery.
After enrollment, plug the adapter into the power socket. Even when using
an adapter a battery should still be present in the keypad so that backup
power supply can be ensured. Do not use rechargeable batteries!
Optional external antenna
External antenna AN-01A can be used in order to increase the operating
radio range.. The external antenna should be connected to the correspond-
ing antenna connector on the JA-63F board (on the right side). Follow the
antenna’s manual instructions when installing the antenna.
Using the keypad for system testing
If the keypad’s housing is released (so that the tamper switch is open) then
the LED indicators and display indicate system status permanently (sleep
mode is suppressed). This way you can pass through the premises with the
keypad in your hands and test all the installed components, seeing an exact
copy of the control panel’s reactions. The keypad should not remain in this
test mode after you have finished the testing. We recommend using extra
(low cost) batteries for testing. The battery supplied in the package should
not be used until the time of system handover.
Battery testing and replacement
The keypad checks the condition of its batteries automatically. If it is nec-
essary to replace the batteries, the keypad will indicate this situation. The
keypad will continue to function as before. If a low battery is indicated, it
should be replaced as soon as possible (within a week).
Before the batteries are replaced, the control panel must be put into User
mode. Only use high quality alkaline AAA batteries for replacement. Correct
installation of a battery will be indicated acoustically by a beep.
Power supply 6 V – 4x AAA alkaline battery cells
or 12 V DC / 100 mA power adaptor
Battery life time typically 1 year
Number of keypads in a system max. 8 control devices
Communication band 433.92 MHz
Communication range max. 80 m (open area, no interference)
Access codes identical to control panel (1 +14)
Door detector input IN = Normally closed
Enclosure IP40
Dimensions 125 x 145 x 30 mm
Degree of protection 2 EN 50131-1
Complies with EN 50131-1 grade 2
Environmental class II indoor general, -10 to +40 °C
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
The package contains: JA-63F keypad, 4 dowels&screws,4 cells AAA
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-63F is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The original of the
conformity assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support section.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you
return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer after use. See
www.jablotron.com for details.
door detector
Internet: www.jablotron.com
Tel.: 483 559 911
fax: 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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