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JA-63A 1 MDX52101
JA-63A Wireless siren
The JA-63A siren is designed for outdoor use. It is powered from its own
AC adapter and has a built in back up battery. The siren communicates
wirelessly with the control panel (two way communication). It contains a
high powered siren and a flashing light with a colored lens. In addition to
signaling alarms, it can also provide arming and disarming chirps. The
siren makes regular auto testing and reports its condition regularly to the
system for full supervision. Built in tamper sensors trigger an alarm if there
is any attempt to tamper with the siren.
1 2
sir e n
backup battery
internal antenna
DIP switches
external antenna
conne ct or
power 15V AC (adapter SELV)
back up battery 6V, 1.3Ah (included)
working frequency 433,92 MHz
working range up to 100m (open area)
siren piezo electric, 109 dB
siren timer by control panel, max. 19 min
flash light timer 1 hour
enclosure IP34D
complies with EN 50131-1, grade 2
working environment outdoor use, -25 to +60°C; CLASS IV.
can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this JA-63A is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.com, section Technical support.
The siren location should not be easily accessible. Do not place the
siren close to gutters where ice could cover the siren in winter.
select location for the AC adapter (must be indoors)
install cable from the adapter to the desired siren location, do no
plug the adapter into the wall yet
remove the two plastic caps on the bottom side of the housing
(with knife or other flat instrument)
unscrew the screws located under the caps
open the cover slowly
select optional functions with DIP switches
attach the siren bottom part to the desired location (first install
the top screw, then hang the siren on it and mark the positions of
the lower two screws)
route the adapter cable to the siren and then tighten the lower
screws (the right screw in the adjustable plastic bracket is a part
of the tampering detector)
connect the cable to 15VAC terminals (arbitrary polarity)
connect the back up battery (flat connector)
reattach the siren cover
Enrollment of the siren to the system
Study the system installation manual to learn how to enroll wireless
enter the enrolling mode on the control panel
plug in the AC adapter (siren will generate an enrollment signal)
the siren will confirm enrollment with a short sound signal
If you need to enroll a siren which is already powered and it is not
possible to switch its power off easily (for example after a control panel
reset), you can enroll it the following way: enter the control panel’s
enrolling mode and then enter the 6 digit siren production code (printed
in the siren’s manual) from the control panel’s keypad. The control panel
will automatically “request” the JA-63A siren to send its enrollment
signal. The siren will send the signal only if it has no current
communication with any other control panel (This protects you from
enrolling your neighbor’s siren). Enrollment takes about five seconds
after the code is entered.
Note: if it is impossible to enroll the siren to the control panel, it can be
the result of a weak radio signal (to long of a distance, interference etc.).
In this case the siren’s optional external antenna AN-01 can be used.
Connect the optional antenna to the external antenna connector inside
the siren and disconnect the internal antenna jumper. Fix the external
antenna on the wall (see drawing in the optional antenna bag).
Optional functions
There are two DIP switches which can change the siren functions:
#1 arming and disarming chirp sounds
position 1 – the siren will not indicate arming and disarming
position ON – the siren will confirm arming with a beep and
disarming with two beeps (3 beeps after disarming indicates user
information on the control panel). The JA-63A will also indicate a
system problem if function 391 is enabled on the control panel
(indication of system problems when arming). The JA-63A siren
chirp sound settings are valid even if function 360 is programmed
in the control panel (control panel chirps disabled) or 380 is
programmed (wireless siren alarm indication disabled).
#2 visual indication of the siren (system) status
position 2– the flashing light will make a short flash every 30
seconds if the siren’s auto testing is O.K. (=siren is ready).
position ON – the flashing light will make short flashes regularly
every 10 seconds when the alarm system is armed.
Siren function
If an alarm is triggered the siren will sound until the control panel alarm
finishes. The light will flash for 1 hour or till the system is armed.
Tampering of the siren will trigger the “TAMPER A” alarm on the control
panel. If there is some technical trouble detected in the siren or lost
communication with the siren, the control panel will indicate this as “Fault
A”. Low backup battery is signalized as “Battery A”.
The alarm function of the wireless siren can be disabled in the control
panel (with programming sequence 380). Even if the alarm function is
disabled with this setting, the optional siren functions will work,
corresponding to the settings of jumpers J1 and J2. The control panel will
also continue to confirm the presence of the JA-63A siren.
The siren requires no maintenance. The back up battery is charged
automatically. The lifetime of the back up battery is about 5 years. We
recommend its replacement after this period.
Note: if you erase the outdoor siren from the control panel (in the
enrolling mode or with a factory default reset), then the control panel
will ignore signals from the siren. However the siren will react to the
control panel signals. To erase the control panel from the siren
disconnect the siren AC adapter and back up battery for more than 20
Warning: the control panel must be in the programming or user mode
before any changes are made with the siren. Any unauthorized changes
will trigger an alarm.
The manufacturer has no liability for consequences caused by incorrect
installation or improper use of the siren.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of
the batteries and local regulation. Although this product does
not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return
the product to the dealer or
directly to the producer after usage.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Po d Ska lko u 3 3
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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  • Goedenavond,ik krijg iedere keer sabotage alarm wat veroorzaakt word door een draadloze deurcontact.Is er iemand die mij kan helpen dit op te lossen. Gesteld op 2-1-2020 om 17:04

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • goedeavond,ik krijg iedere keer sabotage alarm wat veroorzaakt word door een draadloze deurcontact.Is er iemand die mij kan helpen om dit op te lossen Gesteld op 2-1-2020 om 16:53

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden

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