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JA-60V Wireless outdoor PIR detector 2 MEB 52101
Detection length setting table:
Max. detection length
Standard See Note bellow
A 12 m 10.0 to 15.0 m
B 8 m 6.0 to 10.0 m
C 5 m 4.0 to 5.5 m
D 2 m 1.5 to 2.5m
NOTE: the maximum detection length may vary as above due to
environmental thermal condition.
Detection Area
Level A,B,C,D
No Detection
Active area angle is 90°. By holding the pyro-electric unit it can be turned
in to desired direction ( in 15° steps).
Area masking – by provided masking plates section of the detection area,
which is exposed to the reflection of the sunlight, car light etc. can be
Sensitivity of the PIR sensor can be set by “SENS” switch in three
L - low
M - middle
H - high
Other parameters can be set using a DIP switch:
LED indicator OFF LED indicator ON
120 s 5 s Battery saving timer
4x 2x Pulse count
LED indicator is to be used for testing of the PIR detector. During
normal operation period is recommended to switch it off to save the
Depending on the 120s/5s battery saving timer DIP switch the movement
sensor will be blocked for a period of 5 or 120 seconds after a movement is
detected to conserves battery energy.
Depending on the Pulse count DIP switch the detector (both upper &
lower detection area) must be triggered 2 or 4 times to transmit the
alarm signal.
Operation test
Turn the LED indicator on, set the “battery saving timer” to 5 seconds
and close the detector. Every 5 seconds any movement in the
detection area will be indicated by the LED indicator and the alarm
information will be sent to the control panel.
To increase batteries lifetime it is highly recommended to switch the
“battery saving timer” to 120 seconds and switch off the LED indicator
in normal operating mode. The movement sensor will be blocked for 5 or
120 seconds after a movement is detected. This means that if there is
constant movement in the detection area the detector will transmit
information about the movement only once every 5 or 120 seconds.
Battery testing and replacement
The detector automatically checks the condition of its batteries. If it is
necessary to replace the batteries, the detector will inform the control panel
about it. If a low battery is indicated the detector works as normal but,
batteries should be replaced as soon as possible (within a week).
Before replacing the batteries, the control panel must be switched into
mode, which allows detectors opening (User mode or Programming
Use only high quality alkaline AAA batteries for replacement.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and
local regulation. Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after usage.
Problem Probable cause Remedy
Lower detection area is
unnecessarily long
Set the detection area
Detector receives
reflection of the reflector,
sunlight, car light etc.
Remove the reflector,
mask the area exposed to
the reflection of light or
change position of the
There is a heat source in
the area that can cause
fast temperature change
(stove, heater etc.)
Remove the source of
heat or change position of
the detector
makes false
There is any moving object
in the area (laundry on the
clothesline, plans etc.)
Remove the moving object
or change position of the
Detection area is not set
Set the detection are
no detection
Sensitivity is set to low (L) Change sensitivity to
medium (M) or high (H)
Low battery Replace the battery
LED does not light Turn LED switch ON
fails to work
LED indicator lights but no
reaction on the control
The control panel is out of
range, check the battery,
try to replace detector or
control panel
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful
materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer
or directly to the producer after usage.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: 483 559 999
fax: 483 559 993
Po d Ska l ko u 3 3
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou

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