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JA-60E wired keypad 2/2 MFE51010
The JA-60E wire operated keypad
The JA-60E is an optional keypad for the JA-60, JA-63 or JA-65 alarm
system. It can operate and program the system in exactly the same way as
the built-in keypad on the control panel. It is connected to the control panel by
a cable. Up to two keypads can be connected to a single control panel. The
alarm system's status is indicated by the LED indicators, the built in display
and built in buzzer.
Select the desired keypad location (close to the entrance). It can be
installed either directly on the wall or on a junction box
Open the keypad by pressing on the
internal tab on the right side (using a
Make a hole for the cable on the rear
plastic housing in any of the
predefined areas.
Mount the rear housing to the
desired place (the internal tab should be on the right hand side)
Plug in the cable to the RJ socket or connect it to the terminals
Reattach the front panel by placing the left side to the rear part and then
push the right side against the wall (the tab will click)
Connect the other end of the cable to the digital socket on the JA-60
control panel (use a splitter or a converter for the terminals when it is
The keypad can be used immediately after powering of the control panel
(no setting required).
Multiple JA-60E keypads – if you want to use more keypads, they must
be connected in parallel. Connecting cables can be split in the control panel, in
the first keypad or in an extra junction box. It is also possible to combine cables
equipped with RJ connectors for the first keypad and ordinary telephone cable
& terminals for the other keypad.
Connecting cable must connect the corresponding positions in the keypad
and in the control panel (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4). Check the colours of the cores in
the cable.
If the keypad doesn’t work after connection, unplug the cable and check
if the internal cores are positioned correctly (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4).
The keypad can operate and program the system exactly the same way as
the built-in keypad on the control panel.
Note: It is not possible to record the voice message from the JA-60E
keypad, because the dialler microphone is located in the JA-60KX control
Functions F1 through F0 can be used on the JA-60E as described in the
JA-60 control panel manual. Beside this, there are 4 extra keys, which have the
following functions (when pressed 0.2 seconds or more):
Setting (Arming)
(equal to F1 entry)
Door opening
(equal to F3 entry)
Partial setting
(equal to F2 entry)
Panic (access under duress)
(equal to F7, before access
code entry)
Backlight of the keys works only when the JA-60 control panel is
powered from the main system. When the main power is off and the system
is powered from the back-up battery, the backlight is off.
The meaning of symbols on the keypad LED indicators:
Power supply
Set (Armed)
Wireless communication indication
Remote access to the system
The JA-60E keypad can be used to operate and to program a remote
system (JA-60, JA-63 or JA-65) via telephone line using the JA-60U modem.
The remote system must be equipped with a telephone communicator in
which remote access was enabled (see installation manual of the control
Note: The remote access is possible only with the JA-60E version
FE61007 and JA-60U version DY62012 or higher.
Connect the JA-60U modem to the telephone line and plug the JA-
60E keypad cable to the data plug on the modem. After you power the
modem, the keypad will indicate u (the modem is ready).
To establish connection enter following sequence:
xxxxxxxx F1 a F2 ttt...t F3 nnn...n F d
xxxxxxxx is 8 digits remote access code of the alarm system
a second call option (to bypass answering machine) 0-no, 1-
ttt...t call back tel. number – if call back is not requested enter
just F3 after F2
nnn...n tel. number of the remote system (for pause enter F0)
d dialling method 4-tone, 5-pulse
After the d parameter is entered, the modem will establish connection and
the keypad will indicate current status of the remote system. Use the keypad
the same way as if connected to the system. Depending on the quality of the
telephone connection the response of the keypad can be slower. The 4 large
keys on the right side of the remote keypad are not working, use instructions F0
to F9 instead of them.
To terminate the connection press key .
To re-establish connection – if you use the same modem to dial the remote
system again enter only F6.
If you call another control panel which has the same remote access code,
but different tel. number, it is not necessary to re-enter entire sequence above,
but only nnn...n F4 – i.e. telephone number to the system and F4 for to start
tone dialling (or F5 for pulse dialling).
connection with cable to the JA-60 digital bus connector
connecting cable 4 core cable with RJ connectors (4/4 1:1) or
ordinary telephone cable (terminals)
length of the cable max. 100 m
power supply 10 –14 V (taken from the digital bus)
power consumption 40 mA when the system is normally powered
25 mA when the system is powered by the back up battery
enclosure IP40
complies with EN 50131 grade 2
environmental class II indoor general -10 to +40°C
Also complies with EN 50130-4, EN 55022
Contents of the set: JA-60E keypad, 2 plastic dowels, 2 screws, 4 m of cable,
2 RJ-44 connectors and 2 adhesive labels.
Accessories – for keypad connection (can be ordered separately):
RJ-40 converter from RJ connector to 4 terminals
RJ-21 RJ connector splitter (2/1)
RJ-44 cable connector (4P/4C)
RJ-00 crimpling tool for RJ connectors
CT-04 cable for RJ connectors
JABLOTRON ALAMS a.s. hereby declares that the JA-60E is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
2004/108/EC EMC. The original of the conformity assessment can be found
on the web site www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support section.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on
battery type and local regulations. Although this
product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or
directly to the manufacturer after use.
RJ Socket:
Front View

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