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HF-03 1/1 MHF53800
HF-03 hands-free set
The HF-03 hands-free set is designed as an
optional device for the Athos CA-120x car
alarm or the GD-06 GSM communicator. Using
the HF-03 you can answer incoming phone
calls. It is also possible to call up to four phone
numbers. When there is an alarm it is possible
to activate listening-in mode or to communicate
with anyone near the HF-03 (please see the
manual for the GD-06 or the CA-120X for
details). If used with the CA-120X the HF-03
should be installed in the interior of the car. The
hands-free is only activated if there is a phone
call (The HF-03’s power supply is controlled by
the car alarm). If there is no communication, the
HF-03 is switched off. For information about
how to set up and use the HF-03 with a GSM
communicator, please look at the GD-06
The kit contents
hands-free unit
stick-on Velcro
Unit: Install the unit onto a strictly oil-free
surface using the stick-on Velcro provided so
that the speaker is oriented towards the driver
(in the car) and it is not shielded by any
obstacles (remember to take the length of the
wire into the consideration). Improper
positioning of the unit will result in reduced
loudness. Connect the wire with the RJ
connector to the CA-120x or GD-06.
Microphone: Fix the microphone to the
desired position using the enclosed clips. The
optimal position in the car is 40 to 50 cm from
the driver’s mouth. Plug the jack connector into
the socket named MIC, which is located on the
side of the main unit.
Setting up
We recommend setting the potentiometer on
the top of HF-03 to maximum. It is possible to
set the sensitivity of the microphone and the
speaker in the device to which the HF-03 is
Power supply voltage: 12 V DC ± 25%
Current consumption: max. 1 A
Working temperature: -20 °C to +70 °C
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: 483 559 911
fax: 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
HF-03 1/1 MHF53800
HF-03 hands-free set
The HF-03 hands-free set is designed as an
optional device for the Athos CA-120x car
alarm or the GD-06 GSM communicator. Using
the HF-03 you can answer incoming phone
calls. It is also possible to call up to four phone
numbers. When there is an alarm it is possible
to activate listening-in mode or to communicate
with anyone near the HF-03 (please see the
manual for the GD-06 or the CA-120X for
details). If used with the CA-120X the HF-03
should be installed in the interior of the car. The
hands-free is only activated if there is a phone
call (The HF-03’s power supply is controlled by
the car alarm). If there is no communication, the
HF-03 is switched off. For information about
how to set up and use the HF-03 with a GSM
communicator, please look at the GD-06
The kit contents
hands-free unit
stick-on Velcro
Unit: Install the unit onto a strictly oil-free
surface using the stick-on Velcro provided so
that the speaker is oriented towards the driver
(in the car) and it is not shielded by any
obstacles (remember to take the length of the
wire into the consideration). Improper
positioning of the unit will result in reduced
loudness. Connect the wire with the RJ
connector to the CA-120x or GD-06.
Microphone: Fix the microphone to the
desired position using the enclosed clips. The
optimal position in the car is 40 to 50 cm from
the driver’s mouth. Plug the jack connector into
the socket named MIC, which is located on the
side of the main unit.
Setting up
We recommend setting the potentiometer on
the top of HF-03 to maximum. It is possible to
set the sensitivity of the microphone and the
speaker in the device to which the HF-03 is
Power supply voltage: 12 V DC ± 25%
Current consumption: max. 1 A
Working temperature: -20 °C to +70 °C
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: 483 559 911
fax: 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou

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