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trol panel H-906SA
No alarm can be triggered in this position. STAND BY - is the normal operating position (only
24hr zone is armed). System in STAND BY can be controlled by an external device if connected.
ARM - this position can be used for manual arming of the system by the key.
2 / 4 MCV51902 Alarm Control panel H-906SA 3 / 4 MCV51902
The Control panel should be fixed to a wall using two screws. Open the front
panel by pressing the lock located on the bottom of the H-906SA. Place a
narrow screwdriver into the small slot and press the plastic tab inside. Remove
the panel slowly and disconnect the cable from the back panel by pulling the
connectors from the rear board. Find a suitable location for the control panel.
Be sure that the surface of the wall is level. There are two slots for screws on
the back side of the rear panel. To mount the panel, first partially screw in the
top screw, leaving part of the head sticking out. Slide the screw head through the round hole in the upper
half of the back side of the rear panel. Once the screw is in, slide the plastic housing down so that screw
slides to the middle of the slot. Now mark the position of the lower screw and again take down the rear
panel. Make a hole in the wall for the second screw.
Now replace the rear panel on the wall again and place all the cables through the hole for cables in the
rear panel. When all wiring is finished, screw in the top and bottom screws tightly.
ACCU. the cable with two female flat connectors (red + and black -)
are ready to connect to a back-up battery 12V, 1.3Ah (suitable
model SA-214/1.3). In normal operating mode the control panel
charges the battery. The battery input is protected by a FU3
(1.6A) fuse. Do not connect the battery before the installation is
15 VAC input - these two terminals are for the A.C. power supply
connection. Use a transformer with 15VAC output (min. 10VA),
or you can use the Jablotron DE-20-15 adapter. This input is
protected by a FU1 (1.6A) fuse. Do not switch the power on
before the installation is finished!
+/- 12V back up voltage output for optional devices (motion detectors,
telephone dialers etc.). The maximum current consumption is
400mA. The +12V output is protected by a FU2 (1.6A) fuse.
BS this terminal is for connection with an outdoor back-up siren
(OS-300). There is a positive potential supplied by this terminal
when there is no alarm condition.
C,NO,NC over switching dry contact of alarm output relay, max. load
+/- SIR external siren output, 12V/max. 0.3A (suitable model SA-105).
CHM chime output is switched to the GND (max. 0.2A/12V) during
the entry delay. It can be used for an external pre-alarm
buzzer. Connect BUZ-12 buzzer to CHM and +12V terminals
when a pre-alarm function desired. The buzzer should be
installed close to the entrance, and away from the control
panel. The chime output also provides chirp signal as audible
confirmation of arming and disarming.
ARM output is switched to the GND while the control panel is armed (max. 0.2A/12V). It can be used
for external indication of control panel status.
L1 to L4 and GND terminals = Zone inputs: All zone inputs are N.C. (Normally Closed) circuits. Each
input must be closed to one of the GND terminals. An input will be triggered if a normally closed
contact (or any of contacts wired in series) is opened. The 24hr zone can also be triggered by
the control panel's built in tamper switch. (L1=Delay, L2=Instant, L3=Instant, L4=24hr.)
REM external arm control input. This input works as N.O. (Normally Open) circuit for external arming
and disarming. If you close this input to the GND for a moment, the control panel will arm or
disarm (depends on current status). Any controller with pulse output can be used (hidden push-
button, wireless remote control UC-216, digital keypad KB-1051, 2051 etc.). If you need more
external controllers, connect their NO pulse outputs parallel. If you do not use any external arm
control, do not connect the REM terminal.
Note: To accept external control instructions, the H-906 panel must be switched into STAND BY position.
See the wiring example diagrams for more details.
Procedure for Turning on the Power:
First, check all the connections you have made. Then, connect the A.C. power supply and the green
LED on the board should light up. Then connect and place the back up battery (12V, 1.3Ah) to the battery
compartment (the red terminal = positive pole). Fix the battery to the adhesive tape inside the housing.
Prepare the front panel of the H-906SA and check that the lock on front panel is switched to the
SERVICE position. Connect the cable to the DISPLAY connector on the PCB. To close the control panel
housing, put the top side of the front panel over the back panel and then push the bottom side of the front
panel against the wall (the tab will click). The POWER LED should light permanently and the control panel
will be in Service Mode. You can test the function of all connected detectors now (zone LEDs indicate if an
input is triggered). In the end switch the key to the STAND BY position and the H-906 system is installed.
Control panel setting
Your system functions were preset at the factory to facilitate installation. However, you can easily
modify some functions. When you want to make a control panel setting or some modification of the
system, you must first switch the control panel to the SERVICE mode. Then open the front panel and
disconnect the front panel cable. The A.C. adapter should remain plugged in and the back up battery
should remain connected as well.
ENTRY/EXIT delay setting the duration of this delay is preset for 20 seconds. To change the duration of
this delay, change the position of the ENTER/EXIT jumper on the board (see
the scale printed on the board). If you leave the jumper disconnected, the
minimum delay of 5 seconds will be set.
ALARM duration setting the duration of this delay is preset for 3 minutes. To change the duration,
change the position of the ALARM jumper on the board (see the scale printed
on the board). If you leave the jumper disconnected, the minimum duration of
5 seconds will be set.
CHIRP if you close the JP1 link on the board, arming and disarming will be audibly
confirmed by the siren (one chirp for arming, two chirps for disarming and
three chirps for disarming with alarm memory on the display).
Note: Chirp signal is also provided on CHIME output (no matter what position of JP1 link).
When all settings are finished, replace the front panel (the key must be in SERVICE position).
Alarm Con

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