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Extending Module CR-11 4/4 MEI51202 Extending Module CR-11 1/4 MEI51202
4. Arming indication with blinkers (CA-10)
Select mode number 3 on the CR-11 module.
5. An acoustic arming indication (for CA-322) and a high load courtesy (Dome) light
control (for CA-10 and CA-32x)
Select mode 7 on the CR-11 module. The relay no. 1 will control an additional siren arming indication
(use with the CA-322).
The relay no. 2 can be used for any courtesy (Dome) light, even with a consumption higher than 10W. If
you use this control of the interior light, you car battery will not be discharged, even if you leave a door
open (the courtesy light will turn off automatically after 15 minutes).
Extending module CR-11 - instructions
The CR-11 is an extending output module which provides additional functions for Jablotron car alarms
CA-10, CA-320, CA-321 and CA-322. This module has two built in relays, each with over switching contact
15Amp. The functions of the relays are selectable by the dip switches inside each CR-11. The module
receives data from the car alarm via one wire (digital communication). Up to four CR-11 units can be
connected to each of the above Jablotron car alarms. The module can be used for central locking control,
immobilization, additional siren, wireless pager, powered windows remote control, etc. etc.
voltage 12VDC (10-16VDC)
consumption stand by 5 mA
max. 300 mA (both relays on)
relay output contacts (each) permanently 15 A
max 20 A (30 seconds)
working temperature -40 to +85 °C
the CR-11 complies with IEC 839-10-1 and UN ECE No. 97
Complies with the essential requirements of: 89/336/EC EMC Directive - Protection concerning
electromagnetic compatibility when is used for its intended purpose.
Original of the conformity assessment
can be found at the web page www.jablotron.cz
, section Technical support.
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to
the dealer or directly to the producer after usage.
Professional installation of CR-11 is highly recommended. The module should be installed in the passenger
compartment of the car. If you drill any hole in the car, be sure to check the location of the intended hole
before drilling to prevent damage of the car.
Disconnect the car battery before starting installation. Nobody should be inside a car equipped with airbags
while the battery is being connected or disconnected. Refer to the car owners' manual before disconnecting
the battery.
WIRING - route new wires with the pre-existing electrical harness of the car. Check each connection made
to ensure that it is firm and properly insulated. Use only a real crimping tool to make connections. If you use
more than one CR-11 unit with a car alarm, connect all CR-11 data inputs (LINE) parallel.
Signals on the CR-11 connector
COM1 - common contact of relay 1
NO1 - normally open contact of relay 1
NC1 - normally closed contact of relay 1
+12V - positive voltage from the car battery
GND - ground
LINE - data from the car alarm (AUX output)
COM2 - common contact of relay 2
NO2 - normally open contact of relay 2
NC1 - normally closed contact of relay 2
Setting of the CR-11 relays functions
Functions of the CR-11 relays can be selected inside the unit with dip switches marked 1 - 4. Available
options are described in the following table. Particular functions correspond to functions of the car alarm
(see car alarm manual).
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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