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Modular car alarm CA-02 Fox 1/2 MHJ51103
The CA-02 Fox car alarm is a simple modular car alarm. It is to be installed
in the interior of cars with 12V and a negative ground.
The alarm can be operated by the ignition key, a hidden switch or by the
original remote control for central locking.
The status of the car alarm is indicated by an LED indicator.
The built-in vibration detector has two levels of sensitivity and a digital
filter which provides a high immunity to false alarms. It responds with either
a warning or an alarm trigger or both. The warning mode causes a short siren
chirp in the case of vibration detector activation. In alarm mode the alarm is
triggered if a vibration is followed by another one within 15 sec. If both modes
are activated then the first vibration will cause a short siren chirp and the other
vibration (within 15 sec.) will trigger the alarm.
A built-in current sensor will trigger the alarm if electrical equipment is
switched ON while the CA-02 is armed. The current sensor will be activated
10 minutes after arming. This prevents the cooling fan from triggering the
alarm. The sensor can be disabled to allow the use of additional equipment
(independent heating, fridge etc.)
The functions of the inputs, the ignition key and the additional detectors
depend on the settings used (see setting table below). The alarm is triggered if
any of the alarm inputs is activated while the alarm is armed. The siren output is
activated for 30 sec. A siren can also confirm arming/disarming by short chirps.
A programmable output can control the immobilization relay or activate
additional detectors while the car is armed. A VALET push button can be used
for emergency disarming or for setting the optional alarm functions according to
the individual customer’s needs.
Voltage 9 – 15VDC
Current consumption max. 11mA
Working temperature range -40°C to +85°C
Duration of alarm 30 s
SIR output 1.2 A
PGM output 0.2A
Current sensor 10 min. exit delay
Vibration detector 2 levels of sensitivity
Complies with the basic requirements of the ECE Regulation No. 97 and 1995/56/EC
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this CA-02 is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of ECE
Regulation No. 97.01 and Directive 1995/56/EC.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.com, section Technical support
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after usage.
Terminal board description
GND black – connect to the original grounding in the car.
ULK/AL3 white-blue – input to control the alarm by the original central
locking. It reacts to connection or disconnection from ground (depending on
setting). The input can be connected directly onto the wire of the servomotor or
to the signal wire called “unlock” on the central locking unit. If the alarm is
controlled by an ignition key (KEY) it will function as a delayed alarm input. It is
not suitable for connection the hood (bonnet) contact!
white-black – input to control the alarm by the original central
locking. It reacts to connection or disconnection from ground (depending on
the setting). The input can be connected directly onto the wire of the
servomotor or to the signal wire called “lock” on the central locking unit. If the
alarm is controlled by an ignition key (KEY) it will function as an instant alarm
input. It is not suitable for connection the hood (bonnet) contact!
grey - door switch input. It reacts to connection or disconnection from
LED indicator
black-white – install it on a visible spot on the dashboard.
Connect the other end of this lead to GND.
PGM Output blue-white - programmable output that can control the
immobilization relay or activate additional detectors while the car is armed. The
maximum load is 0.2A switching to GND.
The function of PGM depends on the setting of parameter 4 (see the
setting table below):
- power supply for an additional detector – the output is activated
when the alarm is armed
- immobilization relay activation - copies the status of the ignition
key when the car alarm is disarmed.
yellow siren output (max. 1,2 A) switching to GND.
red – connect directly to the battery. Check that the installation is done
properly before powering up! Protected by a built-in fuse.
yellow-white – this input is activated by +12V according to its setting to
confirm locking/unlocking of the car by the original remote control, is activated
by the confirmation signal from the turn lights (flashers) or it blocks the current
sensor and the AL3 input.
blue – input (+12V). Be sure, that there is +12V present while the key is
on while starting the engine.
white – an alarm input with an instant reaction. It reacts to connection or
disconnection from ground.
green – a push button used for emergency disarming, memory
reading and setting the selectable functions.
– not used
The LED indicator
The LED indicator shows the status of the car alarm:
OFF - disarmed
ON - exit delay
Regular slow flashing - armed
Regular fast flashing - entry delay
If you can hear three siren chirps while disarming, then an alarm had
been triggered during the last arming. The cause of the alarm is signaled
by the LED indicator while switching the ignition key on. The number of
flashes indicates the alarm input:
1 flash - DOOR
2 flashes – AL1
3 flashes -
current sensor
4 flashes -
vibration sensor
5 flashes – ignition key (not when the alarm is controlled by KEY)
6 flashes – AL2
7 flashes – AL3
(AL2, AL3 – not when the alarm is controlled by the central locking)
It is also possible to determine the cause of the last two alarms. With
the ignition key on, press the VALET button the LED will flash repeatedly
(10 times) indicating the cause of last alarm. If the VALET button is
pressed once again during indication, the cause of the second-to last
alarm will be indicated (10 times). You can stop indication by switching the
ignition key off.
The device does not require any special maintenance. We recommend
you to check the function of the door, the hood switches and additional
detectors regularly.
Some parameters can be changed in the setting mode according to the
table below.
To enter the setting mode:
1. Press and hold the VALET button, for between 4 to 6 seconds, and switch
the ignition key on. Entering setting mode is confirmed by two siren chirps.
2. Parameter status is indicated by the LED and can be changed by switching
the ignition key off for less than 3 sec.
3. To select the next parameter, briefly press the VALET button. Each setting
parameter is confirmed by a corresponding number of siren chirps.
4. To exit setting mode without saving changes, switch the ignition key off for
longer than 3 s (two siren chirps will be heard).
5. To exit and save the changes go through all the parameters. A long siren
chirp acts as confirmation.
If parameter 15 is set to yes, then when programming is finished and the
alarm has been disarmed for the first time the interval between the
unlocking signal (ULK) and the flashing of the turn lights (BLK) is read by
the car alarm. Further disarming will only be possible if the interval
between the ULC and BLK signals is the same (tolerance +/- 200ms).
Warning!!! If parameter 15 is set to
and the turning lights are
flashing when the car is armed, it
will not be possible to disarm the
alarm by remote central locking.
CA-02 FOX modular car alarm Installation instruction

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