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Back-up Power Supply BP-12 2/2 (A5) MBC511 04 Back-up Power Supply BP-12 2/2 (A5) MBC511 04
Back-Up Power Supply BP-12
BP-12 set should be used everywhere where 12V DC back-up power supply is required.
input power supply adapter DE-20-15 (230 V AC / 15 V AC)
600 mA, 1.6 A fuse
back up battery 12V / 1.3 Ah - model Jablotron SA-214/1.3
output voltage 10,5 - 13.5 V DC, 1.6 A fuse
output current 400 mA permanent, (short time max. up to 1 A )
operating temperature -10
°C to +40 °C
complies with the essential requirements of: 89/336/EC EMC Directive - Protection concerning electro-
magnetic compatibility when is used for its intended purpose.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
Plastic case with rubber sealing (125x85x55 mm), power supply PCB, adapter DE-20-15, battery
SA-214/1.3, dowels and screws.
Unscrew the plastic box cover andtake out the
battery. Install the plastic box on desired place
using enclosed dowels and screws. Put the in-
put and output wires through the holes in the
box. Fix the PCB with electronics to connectors
of the battery. Connect input and output wires to
the terminals and place the set inside the plastic
box. Put the sealing in the cover and close the box. Fix it with screws.
Handle the back-up battery with caution! The battery can cause serious damages or injury when
being short circuited!
When 15 V AC input voltage is present, the battery is being charged and the green LED is lit. If
the input voltage is not present, the green LED is off and output voltage is supplied by the battery.
Presence of the output voltage 12 V DC is indicated by yellow LED.
Yellow LED is off
1/ The battery may be discharged (due to long absence of input power)
2/ Check the built-in fuses.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and local regulation. Although this
product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly
to the producer after usage.
Back-Up Power Supply BP-12
BP-12 set should be used everywhere where 12V DC back-up power supply is required.
input power supply adapter DE-20-15 (230 V AC / 15 V AC)
600 mA, 1.6 A fuse
back up battery 12V / 1.3 Ah - model Jablotron SA-214/1.3
output voltage 10,5 - 13.5 V DC, 1.6 A fuse
output current 400 mA permanent, (short time max. up to 1 A )
operating temperature -10
°C to +40 °C
complies with the essential requirements of: 89/336/EC EMC Directive - Protection concerning electro-
magnetic compatibility when is used for its intended purpose.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
Plastic case with rubber sealing (125x85x55 mm), power supply PCB, adapter DE-20-15, battery
SA-214/1.3, dowels and screws.
Unscrew the plastic box cover andtake out the
battery. Install the plastic box on desired place us-
ing enclosed dowels and screws. Put the input and
output wires through the holes in the box. Fix the
PCB with electronics to connectors of the battery.
Connect input and output wires to the terminals and
place the set inside the plastic box. Put the sealing
in the cover and close the box. Fix it with screws.
Handle the back-up battery with caution! The battery can cause serious damages or injury when
being short circuited!
When 15 V AC input voltage is present, the battery is being charged and the green LED is lit. If
the input voltage is not present, the green LED is off and output voltage is supplied by the battery.
Presence of the output voltage 12 V DC is indicated by yellow LED.
Yellow LED is off
1/ The battery may be discharged (due to long absence of input power)
2/ Check the built-in fuses.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on the type of the batteries and local regulation. Although this
product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you to return the product to the dealer or directly
to the producer after usage.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Po d Ska l ko u 3 3
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Po d Skalko u 3 3
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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