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The BB-02 back-up battery
The BB-02 is a back-up battery equipped with its own electronics for
taking control of the power supply. It is intended for use with the CA-
1803 and CA-1802 car alarms. The battery can be connected by two
wires. The black wire connects to ground. The orange wire connects to
the car alarm orange output wire which is designed for a BB-02
connection. During normal operation the BB-02 is supplied (or charged)
by the car alarm power supply. If the voltage drops under 8.5V, the BB-
02 starts to generate a voltage. Except for the acoustic siren, the BB-02
backs up all the functions of the car alarm. This also includes voice
communication if an HF-03 handsfree set is attached. The back-up
voltage is generated either for the duration of the car voltage supply
outage or until the BB-02 is completely discharged. The car voltage
supply is regarded as recovered when it exceeds 10 V. Fully charging a
fully discharged BB-02 battery requires 5 days.
While testing it or being handled, it is possible to protect the backup
battery from being completely discharged by briefly shorting the BB-02’s
terminals (the BB-02 has to be disconnected from the car power
supply). This causes disconnection of the electronics inside. The
electronics is reconnected by connecting the BB-02 to the car power
Power supply 12 -24V
Back-up battery capacity 400 mAh (at 9.3V)
Back-up current max.20mA (when fully discharged)
Outage detection threshold 8.5V
Generated back-up voltage 9.3V
Threshold for turning off power supply when discharged under 3.9V
Maximum constant current of generated voltage 400mA
Consumption of BB-02 by itself (without being battery charged) <4mA
Back-up duration at least 5 hours
Lifetime 2 - 4 years
The battery is supplied discharged!!!
Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.
BB-02 backup battery -2- MHF53903
The BB-02 back-up battery
The BB-02 is a back-up battery equipped with its own electronics for
taking control of the power supply. It is intended for use with the CA-
1803 and CA-1802 car alarms. The battery can be connected by two
wires. The black wire connects to ground. The orange wire connects to
the car alarm orange output wire which is designed for a BB-02
connection. During normal operation the BB-02 is supplied (or charged)
by the car alarm power supply. If the voltage drops under 8.5V, the BB-
02 starts to generate a voltage. Except for the acoustic siren, the BB-02
backs up all the functions of the car alarm. This also includes voice
communication if an HF-03 handsfree set is attached. The back-up
voltage is generated either for the duration of the car voltage supply
outage or until the BB-02 is completely discharged. The car voltage
supply is regarded as recovered when it exceeds 10 V. Fully charging a
fully discharged BB-02 battery requires 5 days.
While testing it or being handled, it is possible to protect the backup
battery from being completely discharged by briefly shorting the BB-02’s
terminals (the BB-02 has to be disconnected from the car power
supply). This causes disconnection of the electronics inside. The
electronics is reconnected by connecting the BB-02 to the car power
Power supply 12 -24V
Back-up battery capacity 400 mAh (at 9.3V)
Back-up current max.20mA (when fully discharged)
Outage detection threshold 8.5V
Generated back-up voltage 9.3V
Threshold for turning off power supply when discharged under 3.9V
Maximum constant current of generated voltage 400mA
Consumption of BB-02 by itself (without being battery charged) <4mA
Back-up duration at least 5 hours
Lifetime 2 - 4 years
The battery is supplied discharged!!!
Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.
BB-02 backup battery -2- MHF53903
The BB-02 back-up battery
The BB-02 is a back-up battery equipped with its own electronics for
taking control of the power supply. It is intended for use with the CA-
1803 and CA-1802 car alarms. The battery can be connected by two
wires. The black wire connects to ground. The orange wire connects to
the car alarm orange output wire which is designed for a BB-02
connection. During normal operation the BB-02 is supplied (or charged)
by the car alarm power supply. If the voltage drops under 8.5V, the BB-
02 starts to generate a voltage. Except for the acoustic siren, the BB-02
backs up all the functions of the car alarm. This also includes voice
communication if an HF-03 handsfree set is attached. The back-up
voltage is generated either for the duration of the car voltage supply
outage or until the BB-02 is completely discharged. The car voltage
supply is regarded as recovered when it exceeds 10 V. Fully charging a
fully discharged BB-02 battery requires 5 days.
While testing it or being handled, it is possible to protect the backup
battery from being completely discharged by briefly shorting the BB-02’s
terminals (the BB-02 has to be disconnected from the car power
supply). This causes disconnection of the electronics inside. The
electronics is reconnected by connecting the BB-02 to the car power
Power supply 12 -24V
Back-up battery capacity 400 mAh (at 9.3V)
Back-up current max.20mA (when fully discharged)
Outage detection threshold 8.5V
Generated back-up voltage 9.3V
Threshold for turning off power supply when discharged under 3.9V
Maximum constant current of generated voltage 400mA
Consumption of BB-02 by itself (without being battery charged) <4mA
Back-up duration at least 5 hours
Lifetime 2 - 4 years
The battery is supplied discharged!!!
Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.
BB-02 backup battery -2- MHF53903
The BB-02 back-up battery
The BB-02 is a back-up battery equipped with its own electronics for
taking control of the power supply. It is intended for use with the CA-
1803 and CA-1802 car alarms. The battery can be connected by two
wires. The black wire connects to ground. The orange wire connects to
the car alarm orange output wire which is designed for a BB-02
connection. During normal operation the BB-02 is supplied (or charged)
by the car alarm power supply. If the voltage drops under 8.5V, the BB-
02 starts to generate a voltage. Except for the acoustic siren, the BB-02
backs up all the functions of the car alarm. This also includes voice
communication if an HF-03 handsfree set is attached. The back-up
voltage is generated either for the duration of the car voltage supply
outage or until the BB-02 is completely discharged. The car voltage
supply is regarded as recovered when it exceeds 10 V. Fully charging a
fully discharged BB-02 battery requires 5 days.
While testing it or being handled, it is possible to protect the backup
battery from being completely discharged by briefly shorting the BB-02’s
terminals (the BB-02 has to be disconnected from the car power
supply). This causes disconnection of the electronics inside. The
electronics is reconnected by connecting the BB-02 to the car power
Power supply 12 -24V
Back-up battery capacity 400 mAh (at 9.3V)
Back-up current max.20mA (when fully discharged)
Outage detection threshold 8.5V
Generated back-up voltage 9.3V
Threshold for turning off power supply when discharged under 3.9V
Maximum constant current of generated voltage 400mA
Consumption of BB-02 by itself (without being battery charged) <4mA
Back-up duration at least 5 hours
Lifetime 2 - 4 years
The battery is supplied discharged!!!
Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we
suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.
BB-02 backup battery -2- MHF53903

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