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MLO51201 - 8 -
Motion detector installation
The detector should be installed in the corner (facing the room), 2 to 2.5m above the
floor. The detector is able to cover an area of up to 10 x 10m*.
The detector holder should be fixed so that the sensor window points diagonally into the
room (the arrow in the holder should point upwards).
Open the detector cover (by pressing the sides along the window).
Connect the batteries (leave the internal switches in the 1 STANDARD and 2 DELAY
Close the detector and push it on to the holder.
Wait until the indicator light goes off (calibration is completed) and test whether the
detector reacts to human motion.
Detected motion is indicated with flashing. You can test for 5 minutes and then the
indicator light goes off. You can repeat the test by opening and closing the detector
Tips and specifications
*) The detector must have an unrestricted view of the room. To avoid false alarms:
the detector must not be located opposite radiators or other sources of heat with curtains
hanging above them.
it should not be aimed at the windows.
it must not be located near open windows, doors or ventilators (it can react to draughts).
there must not be any things or animals with a temperature around 36°C (pets, rodents,
warm air from electric appliances, radiator grilles, etc.) in the guarded area.
- 17 - MLO51201
Azor’s properties can be set using a computer with MS Windows XP or higher.
Computer connection
You can use a USB cable to connect Azor to the computer. If the computer fails to open
the setting program automatically within a certain time after the connection has been
established, search for a USB disk named AZOR-USB and launch the A-Link file (click the
) located on the disk. The ALink setting program is equipped with comprehensive
help for each feature.
The program options are divided into individual tabs where you can fill in individual setting
items, user names and telephone numbers, enrolling detectors using a code, and set GSM
control unit properties, etc.
Press the Save button to save the changes (in blue) in the tab into the Azor alarm.
When you press the Cancel button, the changes in the tab are not saved and previous
values are used.
Tips and specifications
The first time Azor is connected, the computer needs extra time (up to several minutes) to
set up USB communication. Once the connection has been established, you will find a USB
disc named AZOR-USB in the computer. Further connections will be significantly faster.
If Azor is connected to an ARC, access to the setup page can be blocked. In such a case
ask the ARC operators to help you change the settings.
If you protect the settings with a code in the Settings window, Azor will require the code
every time a computer is connected to it.
Firmware update
You can transfer new version of Azor’s firmware (FW) into Azor using a computer. The file
containing the firmware can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Open the file
using the options Control panel and Firmware upgrade in the A-Link menu. Wait until the
end of the installation procedure. All GSM control unit LED indicators should flash red for a
while during FW installation. When restarted after FW installation has finished, (switch it off
and on) Azor should behave according to the new firmware.
Tips and specifications
Before you start installing a new firmware version read its description thoroughly and make
sure your product version is compatible with the new FW. It is recommended to make a
backup of the settings using the Export option.
Both the backup battery and the mains adaptor must be connected to the GSM control unit
when the FW is being installed. There is a risk of irreversible damage if there is a power
supply failure while the FW update is in progress.
When you have installed the new FW, check its settings on your computer (the A-Link
settings program can look different with different program versions). You should also test all
system functions properly.

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Jablotron Azor GSM Mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 24 pagina's

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