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AC-88 smart wireless socket 1/2 MZZ55400
AC-88 smart wireless socket
The AC-88 wireless socket is a component of Jablotron‘s JA-8x
series OASiS systems. It contains one independent, wirelessly
controlled power relay. The device is mains-powered and it can be
used as:
a remotely-controlled appliance switch (max. 230V/ 50Hz/ 16A)
a wireless switch for electric heaters and boilers
an automatic wireless switch for appliances in “standby“ mode
a wireless controller for lighting, ventilation, etc.
It is ideal for use in home automation in flats where construction work
would be undesirable. The AC-88 can be controlled with:
a built-in button on the socket,
RC-8x OASiS wireless remote controls,
JA-8x OASiS wireless detectors,
TP-8x OASiS wireless thermostats,
wireless PG output control signals:
o from JA-8xK OASiS alarm control panels,
o from GD-04 DAViD GSM controllers and diallers,
o from EYE-02 security cameras.
Warning: The switch is intended to single pole switching, does not
ensure safety disconnection
The wireless socket is installed by plugging it into a mains socket
(230V) which can be done by the user. The button on the wireless
socket is used to set its properties and to switch the connected
appliance on/off. The LED indicator under the button shows active
status of the socket. Up to 8 transmitters using Jablotron OASiS
protocol can be enrolled to the socket to switch the connected
appliance on/off or switch it on for a set period of time. When the
appliance is switched on/off, the socket also transmits status change
information to other devices or sockets.
Programming mode selection
Firstly enrol the control devices in the desired mode and set the timer if
desired according to the table below.
Plug the socket into the mains. The LED indicator will flash for a short
moment. Press the button on the socket within 10 seconds after plugging in
(the LED indicator will flash once) and hold it until the LED indicator starts
flashing repeatedly once per second. When you release the button while
the indicator is flashing once per second, you enter the 1
enrolment mode
– switching on. If you hold the button for five more seconds without
releasing, the LED starts flashing twice per second and you can release the
button to enter 2
enrolment mode – switching off. If you hold it for five
more seconds, the flashing frequency changes to three flashes per second
and releasing the button triggers timer setting mode. When the button is
released when there are four flashes per second, you enter reset mode.
Switch-on mode
Open the 1
(switch-on) enrolment mode and enroll desired transmitters:
o a remote control
By pressing any button – when you exit enrollment mode the
enrolled button can be used to switch the socket on/off.
By pressing the + or + buttons simultaneously – when
you exit enrollment mode, the socket will only react to simultaneous
pressing the
+ or + buttons. Pressing these buttons
activates the socket for a period of time which has been set on the
timer (default setting is 2 minutes), see “Timer Use“.
By simultaneously pressing the + or + buttons for about
5 seconds (confirmed by three quick flashes of the LED indicator
on the remote control) – pressing
activates the socket
while pressing
or deactivates it. Simultaneous pressing of
both buttons (
+ or + ) activates the socket for a period of
time set on the timer (default setting is 2 minutes).
Sending Panic signal from controllers (RC-87, RC-89, RC-86, etc) will
result in socket activation for a period of time set on the timer (default
setting is 2min).
o a detector / thermostat – by inserting a battery into the device. In
normal operation the socket copies the detector / thermostat status –
activation of the device switches the appliance plugged into the socket
on and deactivation of the device switches the appliance off. Impulse
reaction detectors (e.g. JA-80P, JA-85P, JA-8xM detectors with
adjustable impulse reaction, etc.) activate the socket for a period of time
set on the timer (default setting is 2 minutes),
o PGX control panel output – by keying in 299 on the OASiS keypad in
service mode – the socket copies the status of the control panel’s PGX
o PGY control panel output – by keying in 299 on the OASiS keypad in
service mode twice in a row – the socket copies the status of the control
panel’s PGY output,
o GD-04 communicator – by pressing the XY button on the GD-04R
radio module once – the socket copies the status of the X relay in the
communicator, by pressing the XY button on the GD-04R radio module
twice - the socket will copy the status of the Y relay,
o another AC-88 socket – by plugging in another AC-88 socket to an
mains (230V) – the original AC-88 socket copies the second AC-88
Enrolment of each transmitter is confirmed by a long flash of the
LED on the socket.
The socket will exit the enrollment mode automatically if no enrolment
signal is received within 5 minutes after entering the enrollment mode
or by pressing the socket button briefly (the flashing will stop).
If you want to enrol a detector which has already been connected to a battery, first
disconnect the battery, then press the tamper contact in the cover several times to
discharged the capacitors and then start the enrolment.
If device enrollment fails, the device is either too far from the receiver or 8 devices
have been already enrolled..
Devices can be enrolled during multiple enrollment cycles.
If the same device is enrolled repeatedly, the socket will react according to the
latest setting.
Each transmitter (remote control, detector, control panel, etc) can be enrolled to
more receivers.
The socket always follows the latest command (e.g. if it is switched on permanently
by a button and then receives a command to switch on for 2 minutes, it remains
active for 2 minutes and then switches off).
All devices are enrolled into non-volatile memory and remain saved when the
socket is unplugged from the mains or when enrollment mode is entered
Detailed information about device enrollment is available in its installation manual.
When the power supply is restored after a power failure, the socket remains
switched off due to safety reasons until any valid signal is received.
# Indication Mode Notes
1 flash per
Switch on
Status devices (JA-81M, RC-86) switch
the socket on when activated and off when
Impulse devices (e.g. JA-80P) switch the
socket on for a time set on the timer.
The socket copies status of the control
panel’s PG output.
2 flashes
per sec.
Switch off
Status devices switch the socket off when
The inverse mode should not be used for
periodically transmitting impulse devices
The PG output triggers an opposite
reaction in the socket (triggering PG
causes the socket to switch off).
3 flashes
per sec.
You can set activation time from 1 minute
to 24 hours. One second set during setting
corresponds to 1minute in the real
operation time, see Timer Use chapter
(default setting is 2 minutes)
4 flashes
per sec.
Erases all enrolled devices and sets the
timer to default settings, see Device reset

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