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Do not block the ventilation openings or holes.
(If the ventilation openings or holes are blocked
by a newspaper or cloth, etc., the heat may not be
able to get out.)
Do not place any naked ame sources, such as
lighted candles, on the apparatus.
When discarding batteries, environmental problems
must be considered and local rules or laws
governing the disposal of these batteries must be
followed strictly.
Do not expose this apparatus to rain, moisture,
dripping or splashing and that no objects lled
with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the
Rating label is placed on the exterior of the bottom.
Dear Customer,
This apparatus is in conformance with the valid
European directives and standards regarding
electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety.
European representative of Victor Company of
Japan, Limited is:
JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH
P.O. Box 10 05 52
61145 Friedberg
LVT1634-004A [B]
©2006 Victor Company of Japan, Limited 0906NSMCREBET
Warnings, Cautions and Others
Caution: Proper Ventilation
To avoid risk of electric shock and re, and to prevent damage, locate the apparatus as follows:
Front: No obstructions and open spacing.
Sides/ Top/ Back: No obstructions should be placed in the areas shown by the dimensions below.
Bottom: Place on the level surface. Maintain an adequate air path for ventilation by placing on a stand
with a height of 10 cm
or more.
Front Side
Getting Started
Store the battery in a place where children cannot reach. If a child accidentally swallows the battery,
consult a doctor immediately.
Do not recharge, short, disassemble or heat the battery or dispose of it in a re. Doing any of these things
may cause the battery to give off heat, crack, or start a re.
Do not leave the battery with other metallic materials. Doing this may cause the battery to give off heat,
crack, or start a re.
When throwing away or saving the battery, wrap it in tape and insulate; otherwise, the battery may start to
give off heat, crack, or start a re.
Do not poke the battery with tweezers or similar tools. Doing this may cause the battery to give off heat,
crack, or start a re.
Dispose of battery in the proper manner, according to federal, state, and local regulations.
The batteries (battery pack or batteries installed ) shall not be exposed to excessive heat source such as
sunshine, re or the like.
Operating on the Remote Control
Supplied Accessories
After unpacking, check to be sure
that you have all the following items.
• Remote control
• AC adaptor
• Attachments (6 types)
Rubber pads (A type×2, B type×2)
CR2025 (×2) lithium coin batteries
One is loaded on the remote
control at the factory.
Prepare the Remote
When you use the remote
control for the rst time, pull
out the insulation sheet.
Replacing the Battery
in the Remote Control
Insert the battery into the
remote control by matching
the polarity (+ and –)
Insulation sheet
coin battery
Preparation of the Unit
9V 1.5A
Loading batteries for the Clock
Be sure to match the poles (+/-) correctly.
Lithium coin
FM wire antenna
(Pass through the notch in the cover)
AC adaptor: AA-R9030 (supplied)
To a wall outlet
Plug the AC adaptor
only after all connections
are completed.
SOURCE button
Switch the sound source.
FM MODE button
Switch FM stereo/monaural.
MUTING button
Turn off the sound. Return to original mode by
pressing again.
PRESET +/- button
Select a registered FM radio station (P01 to 20).
iPod 6 button
Play/pause the iPod.
Switch the backlight on/off.
4/¢ button
Fast-forward/rewind the iPod song.
Change frequencies to tune in to FM radio
VOLUME +/- button
You can adjust the volume level from 00 to a
maximum of 20.
If you are having a problem with your System, check this list for a possible solution before calling for service.
In These Cases Check the following points
Power does not come on. AC adaptor is not inserted securely. Plug in securely.
The batteries are exhausted.
No longer works. Press the “RESET” button (see “Resetting the unit”).
Cannot set the iPod. Is the selected attachment compatible to your iPod? Con rm the
compatibility of iPod and attachments in “iPod Compatibility Chart”.
Is the attachment properly mounted on the unit? Make sure to mount the
attachment properly.
Cannot operate iPod. Is the iPod rmly connected to the connector plug of the unit?
Is the iPod properly functioning? Test the iPod functions in stand alone
iPod cannot be charged. Is the iPod rmly connected to the connector plug of the unit?
Is the AC adaptor connected? The iPod cannot be charged while the Unit
is operated on batteries.
For iPod 3rd Generation, set the “CHARGING SWITCH” to “FIREWIRE”
(see “Charging the iPod”).
Hard to listen to broadcasts
because of noise.
The FM antenna is not properly extended and positioned.
Unable to operate the System
from the remote control.
The path between the remote control and the remote sensor on the
System is blocked.
The batteries are exhausted.
When the volume level is
manually set higher than “08”,
the unit automatically lowers
the level to “08”.
The unit’s battery runs low (The “---” (Low battery) appears on the display).
Replace the batteries with new ones.
Resetting the unit
If “Troubleshooting” does not eliminate malfunctioning (failure to operate or
display properly, etc.), press the “RESET” button on the rear of the unit with
something having a sharp point, while the unit is turned on. After pressing
“RESET” button, unplug the AC adaptor and wait a while before plugging it
When using “RESET” button, make sure the lithium coin battery is loaded.
While resetting the unit, the clock is also reset. Adjust the clock after resetting
the unit.
Speci cations
Model RA-P10
Type Portable audio system
Ampli er
Power Output 4W x 2
1kHz 10% THD, 6 (IEC268-3)
Input Sensitivity/ Impedance AUX Input 250mV/47k
FM Tuner
Tuning Range 87.50MHz - 108.00MHz
Frequency Step 50kHz
Preset Stations 20
Speaker 1way full range, diameter 35mm x2
Input Terminal
External DC IN ( for AC adaptor)
AUX IN (mini jack)
Power Source
(CR2025, for the clock)
AC adaptor
Input : AC 110-240V
, 50/60Hz
Output : DC 9V
Dimensions (W x H x D) (W) 331 mm x (H) 71 mm x (D) 98 mm
Weight (Without batteries) 0.7kg
Accessory See Supplied Accessories
Speci cations and appearance are subject to change without prior notice.
Open the battery compartment
cover by pressing the small tab.
Loading batteries for the Unit (The battery power supply)
Close the cover in the order shown by the numbers.
R6 (SUM-3)/AA (15F) (not supplied)
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Connecting the AC adaptor
Insert three batteries to each compartment (six batteries total). Be sure to match the poles (+/-) correctly.
While the AC adaptor is connected to the wall outlet, the unit works without batteries.
Press the tab to open
the cover.
Close the cover in the order
shown by the numbers.
To avoid risk of re, and to prevent damage.
Do not use AC adaptors except for the supplied AC adaptor.
Do not use the supplied AC adaptor for other equipment.
(Front side)
(Rear side)
Point the remote control at the remote control sensor on the front panel.
The remote control sensor is designed to receive signals from up to
approximately 7 m distance when the remote control is pointed directly. If the
remote control is pointed with an angle, the distance may become shorter.
Install in a place which is level, dry and neither too hot nor too cold–between 5°C and 35°C.
Install the System in a location with adequate ventilation to prevent internal heat buildup inside the System.
• Leave suf cient distance between the System and the TV.
Keep the speakers away from the TV to avoid interference with TV.
DO NOT install the System in a location
near heat sources, or in a place subject to
direct sunlight, excessive dust or vibration.
This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet international safety standards but, like any
electrical equipment, care must be taken if you are to obtain the best results and safety is to be assured.
Do read the operating instructions before you attempt to use the equipment.
Do ensure that all electrical connections (including the mains plug, extension leads and interconnections
between pieces of equipment) are properly made and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Switch off and withdraw the mains plug when making or changing connections.
Do consult your dealer if you are ever in doubt about the installation, operation or safety of your equipment.
Do be careful with glass panels or doors on equipment.
DON’T continue to operate the equipment if you are in any doubt about it working normally, or if it is
damaged in any way—switch off, withdraw the mains plug and consult your dealer.
DON’T remove any xed cover as this may expose dangerous voltages.
DON’T leave equipment switched on when it is unattended unless it is speci cally stated that it is designed
for unattended operation or has a standby mode.
Switch off using the switch on the equipment and make sure that your family know how to do this.
Special arrangements may need to be made for in rm or handicapped people.
DON’T use equipment such as personal stereos or radios so that you are distracted from the requirements
of traf c safety. It is illegal to watch television whilst driving.
DON’T listen to headphones at high volume as such use can permanently damage your hearing.
DON’T obstruct the ventilation of the equipment, for example with curtains or soft furnishings.
Overheating will cause damage and shorten the life of the equipment.
DON’T use makeshift stands and NEVER x legs with wood screws—to ensure complete safety always t
the manufacturer’s approved stand or legs with the xings provided according to the instructions.
DON’T allow electrical equipment to be exposed to rain or moisture.
– NEVER let anyone, especially children, push anything into holes, slots or any other opening in the
case —this could result in a fatal electrical shock.;
– NEVER guess or take chances with electrical equipment of any kind—it is better to be safe than sorry!
9V 1.5A
RA-P10-B_EN.indd 1RA-P10-B_EN.indd 1 10/3/2006 11:53:55 AM10/3/2006 11:53:55 AM

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Andere handleiding(en) van JVC RA-P11

JVC RA-P11 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

JVC RA-P11 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

JVC RA-P11 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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