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To use the INSERT function (P. 11), find the “CH/CC” number corresponding to the TV’s Channel number from this
When the Country setting is “France”, select a three-digit CH/CC number.
“CH/CC” List
We may change the design and specifications without notice.
CH Channel
CH 02/CH 202 E2, R1
CH 03/CH 203 E3, ITALY A
CH 04/CH 204 E4, ITALY B, R2
CH 05/CH 205 E5, ITALY D, R6
CH 06/CH 206 E6, ITALY E, R7
CH 07/CH 207 E7, ITALY F, R8
CH 08/CH 208 E8, R9
CH 09/CH 209 E9, ITALY G
CH 10/CH 210 E10, ITALY H, R10
CH 11/CH 211
E11, ITALY H+1, R11
CH 12/CH 212
E12, ITALY H+2, R12
CH 21/CH 221 E21, R21
CH 22/CH 222 E22, R22
CH 23/CH 223 E23, R23
CH 24/CH 224 E24, R24
CH 25/CH 225 E25, R25
CH 26/CH 226 E26, R26
CH 27/CH 227 E27, R27
CH 28/CH 228 E28, R28
CH 29/CH 229 E29, R29
CH 30/CH 230 E30, R30
CH 31/CH 231 E31, R31
CH 32/CH 232 E32, R32
CH 33/CH 233 E33, R33
CH 34/CH 234 E34, R34
CH 35/CH 235 E35, R35
CH 36/CH 236 E36, R36
CH 37/CH 237 E37, R37
CH 38/CH 238 E38, R38
CH 39/CH 239 E39, R39
CH Channel
CH 40/CH 240 E40, R40
CH 41/CH 241 E41, R41
CH 42/CH 242 E42, R42
CH 43/CH 243 E43, R43
CH 44/CH 244 E44, R44
CH 45/CH 245 E45, R45
CH 46/CH 246 E46, R46
CH 47/CH 247 E47, R47
CH 48/CH 248 E48, R48
CH 49/CH 249 E49, R49
CH 50/CH 250 E50, R50
CH 51/CH 251 E51, R51
CH 52/CH 252 E52, R52
CH 53/CH 253 E53, R53
CH 54/CH 254 E54, R54
CH 55/CH 255 E55, R55
CH 56/CH 256 E56, R56
CH 57/CH 257 E57, R57
CH 58/CH 258 E58, R58
CH 59/CH 259 E59, R59
CH 60/CH 260 E60, R60
CH 61/CH 261 E61, R61
CH 62/CH 262 E62, R62
CH 63/CH 263 E63, R63
CH 64/CH 264 E64, R64
CH 65/CH 265 E65, R65
CH 66/CH 266 E66, R66
CH 67/CH 267 E67, R67
CH 68/CH 268 E68, R68
CH 69/CH 269 E69, R69
CC Channel
CC 31/CC 231 S31
CC 32/CC 232 S32
CC 33/CC 233 S33
CC 34/CC 234 S34
CC 35/CC 235 S35
CC 36/CC 236 S36
CC 37/CC 237 S37
CC 38/CC 238 S38
CC 39/CC 239 S39
CC 40/CC 240 S40
CC 41/CC 241 S41
CC 75/CC 275 X
CC 76/CC 276 Y, R3
CC 77/CC 277 Z, ITALY C, R4
CC 78/CC 278 Z+1, R5
CC 79/CC 279 Z+2
CC Channel
CC 01/CC 201 S1
CC 02/CC 202 S2
CC 03/CC 203 S3
CC 04/CC 204 S4
CC 05/CC 205 S5
CC 06/CC 206 S6
CC 07/CC 207 S7
CC 08/CC 208 S8
CC 09/CC 209 S9
CC 10/CC 210 S10
CC 11/CC 211 S11
CC 12/CC 212 S12
CC 13/CC 213 S13
CC 14/CC 214 S14
CC 15/CC 215 S15
CC 16/CC 216 S16
CC 17/CC 217 S17
CC 18/CC 218 S18
CC 19/CC 219 S19
CC 20/CC 220 S20
CC 21/CC 221 S21
CC 22/CC 222 S22
CC 23/CC 223 S23
CC 24/CC 224 S24
CC 25/CC 225 S25
CC 26/CC 226 S26
CC 27/CC 227 S27
CC 28/CC 228 S28
CC 29/CC 229 S29
CC 30/CC 230 S30
CH Channel
CH 102 F2
CH 103 F3
CH 104 F4
CH 105 F5
CH 106 F6
CH 107 F7
CH 108 F8
CH 109 F9
CH 110 F10
CH 121 F21
CH 122 F22
CH 123 F23
CH 124 F24
CH 125 F25
CH 126 F26
CH 127 F27
CH 128 F28
CH 129 F29
CH 130 F30
CH 131 F31
CH 132 F32
CH 133 F33
CH 134 F34
CH 135 F35
CH 136 F36
CH 137 F37
CH 138 F38
CH 139 F39
CH 140 F40
CC Frequency (MHz)
CC 110 116-124
CC 111 124-132
CC 112 132-140
CC 113 140-148
CC 114 148-156
CC 115 156-164
CC 116 164-172
CC 123 220-228
CC 124 228-236
CC 125 236-244
CC 126 244-252
CC 127 252-260
CC 128 260-268
CC 129 268-276
CC 130 276-284
CC 131 284-292
CC 132 292-300
CC 133 300-306
CC 141 306-311
CC 142 311-319
CC 143 319-327
CC 144 327-335
CC 145 335-343
CC 146 343-351
CC 147 351-359
CC 148 359-367
CC 149 367-375
CC 150 375-383
CC 151 383-391
CH Channel
CH 141 F41
CH 142 F42
CH 143 F43
CH 144 F44
CH 145 F45
CH 146 F46
CH 147 F47
CH 148 F48
CH 149 F49
CH 150 F50
CH 151 F51
CH 152 F52
CH 153 F53
CH 154 F54
CH 155 F55
CH 156 F56
CH 157 F57
CH 158 F58
CH 159 F59
CH 160 F60
CH 161 F61
CH 162 F62
CH 163 F63
CH 164 F64
CH 165 F65
CH 166 F66
CH 167 F67
CH 168 F68
CH 169 F69
CC Frequency (MHz)
CC 152 391-399
CC 153 399-407
CC 154 407-415
CC 155 415-423
CC 156 423-431
CC 157 431-439
CC 158 439-447
CC 159 447-455
CC 160 455-463
CC 161 463-469
Main unit
Terminals / Connectors
Terminal name Terminal type Signal type (IN)
Signal type (OUT)
Input / Output
Euroconnector x1
(SCART connector)
Composite video, S-video,
Analogue RGB
TV out
Euroconnector x1
(SCART connector)
Composite video, S-video,
Analogue RGB
Dubbing out
Input terminals
RCA connectors x 3,
S-VIDEO connector x 1
Composite video, S-video
EXT-4 RCA connectors x 5
Analogue component
(576i (625i) / 480i (525i),
Progressive : 576p (625p) / 480p (525p),
HD : 1080i (1125i), 720p (750p)
EXT-5 (HDMI) HDMI connector x 1
(576i (625i) / 480i (525i) /
576p (625p) / 480p (525p),
1080i (1125i), 720p (750p))
PC INPUT D-SUB (15 pins) x 1 Analogue PC signal (P. 34)
AUDIO OUT RCA connectors x 2 Audio L / R
Stereo mini-jack x 1
(3.5 mm in diameter)
Broadcasting systems CCIR I / B / G / D / K / L (See “Technical information”, P. 34)
Colour systems
TV broadcast : PAL, SECAM
External input : PAL, SECAM, NTSC 3.58/4.43MHz
Channels and frequencies
E2-E12 / E21-E69, F2-F10 / F21-F69, IR A-IR J, ITALY A-H / H+1 / H+2,
R1-R12 / R21-R69, S1-S41, X / Y / Z / Z+1 / Z+2,
French cable channels (Frequency : 116-172 MHz / 220-469 MHz)
Sound-multiplex systems NICAM (I / B / G / D / K / L), A2 (B / G / D / K)
Teletext systems FLOF (Fastext), TOP, WST (standard system)
Power requirements AC 220 V - 240 V, 50Hz
Audio output (
Rated power output
) 10 W + 10 W
Speakers (16 cm x 4 cm) oval x 2 (15 cm x 5.5 cm) oval x 2 (12 cm x 5 cm) oval x 2
Power consumption
153 W
[0.5 W]
127 W
[0.6 W]
100 W
[0.6 W]
Screen size
(visible area size measured diagonally)
94 cm 80 cm 66 cm
Dimensions (W x H x D: mm)
[without stand]
919 x 649.4 x 311
[919 x 603.7 x 128]
800 x 591 x 244
[800 x 545 x 137.8]
672 x 512 x 244
[672 x 471 x 137.7]
[without stand]
22.7 kg
[19.8 kg]
17.4 kg
[15.5 kg]
14.4 kg
[12.5 kg]
Accessories (See “Check accessories”, P. 5)

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Andere handleiding(en) van JVC LT-26R70

JVC LT-26R70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

JVC LT-26R70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

JVC LT-26R70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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