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For your safety
This equipment has been designed and
manufactured to meet international safety stan-
dards but, like any electrical equipment, care
must be taken if you are to obtain the best
results and safety is to be assured. So, please
read the points below for your own safety. They
are of a general nature, intended to help you
with all your electronic consumer products and
some points may not apply to the goods you
have just purchased.
Some DOs and DONTs for you
Air Circulation
Leave at least 10cm clearance around the tele-
vision to allow adequate ventilation. This will
prevent the TV from overheating and conse-
quential possible damage to the TV. Dusty
places should also be avoided.
Heat Damage
Damage may occur if you leave the TV in di-
rect sunlight or near a heater. Avoid places
subject to extremely high temperatures or hu-
midity, or locations where the temperature is
likely to fall below 5ºC (41ºF).
Mains Supply
The mains supply required for this equipment
is 100-240 V AC, 50 Hz. Never connect to a
DC supply or any other power source. DO en-
sure that the TV is not standing on the mains
lead. DO NOT cut off the mains plug from this
equipment, this incorporates a special Radio
Interference Filter, the removal of which will
impair its performance.
Hot / Moderate Climate Conditions
This device is suitable for working in hot and
moderate climate conditions.
For your safety......................................... 1
Important Information ............................. 4
Remote Control Buttons.......................... 5
Control Panel Buttons ............................. 6
Where to install ....................................... 9
Preparation ............................................ 10
Before Switching on your TV ................ 10
Switching the TV ON/OFF .......................11
Operating the TV.................................... 12
Operating the TV.................................... 13
Menu System......................................... 14
Other Features....................................... 20
PC Mode ................................................. 23
Teletext................................................... 25
Peripheral Equipment Connections ..... 26
Peripheral Equipment Connections ..... 28
Antenna Connections............................ 29
Peripheral Equipment Connections ..... 29
PC Input Typical Display Modes ......... 30
Tips......................................................... 31
Specifications........................................ 32
01-ENG-1724W-17MB08P-1860UK-(LT-17C50BU&SU)-50058334.p65 18.11.2004, 14:101

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Andere handleiding(en) van JVC LT-17C50

JVC LT-17C50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 35 pagina's

JVC LT-17C50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

JVC LT-17C50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 35 pagina's

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