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How to reset your unit
Your preset adjustments will also be erased (except the
registered Bluetooth devices).
For safety...
Do not raise the volume level too much, as this will
make driving dangerous by blocking outside sounds,
and may cause hearing loss.
Stop the car before performing any complicated
Temperature inside the car...
If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold
weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes
normal before operating the unit.
For security reasons, a numbered ID card is provided
with this unit, and the same ID number is imprinted on
the unit’s chassis. Keep the card in a safe place, as it will
help the authorities to identify your unit if stolen.
How to read this manual:
Illustrations of KW-AVX830 are mainly used for
This manual mainly explains operations using the
buttons on the monitor panel and touch panel.
For operations using the remote controller (RM-
RK252: supplied only for KW-AVX830), 52.
< > indicates the variable screens/menus/
operations/settings that appear on the touch
[ ] indicates the buttons on the touch panel.
How to reset your unit ............................................ 3
Canceling the display demonstration and setting the
clock .................................................................... 4
Basic operations ......................................................5
Detaching/attaching the monitor panel ...................... 5
Basic operations on the monitor panel .........................6
Basic operations on the touch panel ........................... 7
Listening to the radio ............................................11
Disc/USB operations ..............................................16
Listening to the iPod/iPhone device ......................22
Using other external components ......................... 25
• AV-INPUT ................................................................. 25
EXT-INPUT (Only for KW-AVX730) .............................. 26
Dual Zone operations
(Only for KW-AVX830) .......................................27
Sound equalization ............................................... 28
Using a rear view camera ...................................... 28
AV Setup/Sound/Equalizer menu items ................ 29
Information for using Bluetooth® devices ............. 35
Bluetooth operations for KW-AVX830 ...................35
Connecting Bluetooth devices ................................... 36
Using the Bluetooth mobile phone/audio player ....... 38
Bluetooth device settings .......................................... 43
Bluetooth operations for KW-AVX730 ...................44
Connecting Bluetooth devices ................................... 44
Using the Bluetooth mobile phone ........................... 47
Using the Bluetooth audio player .............................. 50
Bluetooth device settings .......................................... 51
Using the remote controller
(Only for KW-AVX830) .......................................52
Maintenance ......................................................... 57
More about this unit ............................................. 58
Troubleshooting .................................................... 62
Specifications ........................................................ 67
To forcibly eject a disc, 16.
EN_KW-AVX830[E].indb 3EN_KW-AVX830[E].indb 3 10.1.19 3:08:58 PM10.1.19 3:08:58 PM

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