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If you notice smoke or a peculiar smell coming
from the camcorder or AC Adapter, shut it down
and unplug it immediately. Continue using the
camcorder or AC Adapter under these
conditions could lead to fire or electric shock.
Contact your JVC dealer. Do not attempt to
repair the malfunction yourself.
To prevent shock, do not open the cabinet. No
user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to
qualified personnel.
When you are not using the AC Adapter for a
long period of time, it is recommended that you
disconnect the power cord from AC outlet.
To avoid electric
shock or damage to
the unit, first firmly
insert the small end
of the power cord into
the AC Adapter until it
is no longer wobbly,
and then plug the
larger end of the
power cord into an
AC outlet.
This camcorder is designed to be used with
PAL-type colour television signals. It cannot be
used for playback with a television of a different
standard. However, live recording and LCD
monitor/viewfinder playback are possible
This product includes patented and other
proprietary technology and will operate only
with JVC Data Battery. Use the JVC
BN-VF707U/VF714U/VF733U battery packs
and, to recharge them or to supply power to the
camcorder from an AC outlet, use the provided
multi-voltage AC Adapter. (An appropriate
conversion adapter may be necessary to
accommodate different designs of AC outlets in
different countries.)
Caution on Replaceable lithium battery
The battery used in this device may present a fire
or chemical burn hazard if mistreated.
Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100°C
or incinerate.
Replace battery with Panasonic (Matsushita
Electric), Sanyo, Sony or Maxell CR2025.
Danger of explosion or Risk of fire if the battery is
incorrectly replaced.
Dispose of used battery promptly.
Keep away from children.
Do not disassemble and do not dispose of in
The rating plate (serial number plate) and
safety caution are on the bottom and/or the
back of the main unit.
The rating information and safety caution of the
AC Adapter are on its upper and lower sides.
When the equipment is installed in a cabinet or on
a shelf, make sure that it has sufficient space on
all sides to allow for ventilation (10 cm or more on
both sides, on top and at the rear).
Do not block the ventilation holes.
(If the ventilation holes are blocked by a
newspaper, or cloth etc. the heat may not be able
to get out.)
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles,
should be placed on the apparatus.
When discarding batteries, environmental
problems must be considered and the local rules
or laws governing the disposal of these batteries
must be followed strictly.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or
Do not use this equipment in a bathroom or
places with water.
Also do not place any containers filled with water
or liquids (such as cosmetics or medicines, flower
vases, potted plants, cups etc.) on top of this unit.
(If water or liquid is allowed to enter this
equipment, fire or electric shock may be caused.)
GR-D290_270AS.book Page 3 Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:23 AM

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Andere handleiding(en) van JVC GR-D270

JVC GR-D270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 16 pagina's

JVC GR-D270 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

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