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The radar operator has a role of interpreting the radar displays to provide his best aid in
maneuvering the ship. For this purpose, the operator has to observe the radar displays after fully
understanding the advantages and disadvantages that the radar has. For better interpretation of
radar displays, it is important to gain more experiences by operating the radar equipment in fair
weathers and comparing the target ships watched with the naked eyes and their echoes on the
radar display.
The radar is mainly used to monitor the courses of own ship and other ships in open seas, to
check buoys and other nautical marks when entering a port, to measure own ship’s position in the
coastal waters relative to the bearings and ranges of the shore or islands using a chart, and to
monitor the position and movement of a heavy rain if it appears on the radar display.
Various types of radar display will be explained below.
Radar Wave with the Horizon・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Radar beam radiation has the nature of propagating nearly along the curved surface of the earth.
The propagation varies with the property of the air layer through which the radar beam
In the normal propagation, the distance (D) of the radar wave to the horizon is approximately 10%
longer than the distance to the optical horizon. The distance (D) is given by the following
)nm)(2h1h(23.2D +=
h1: Height (m) of radar scanner above sea level
h2: Height (m) of a target above sea level
Fig. 6.1 is a diagram for determining the maximum detection range of a target that is limited by the
curve of the earth surface in the normal propagation.

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