Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. When taken out of the box, the
spinning basket is loosely on top of the
pedal bucket which is inside the large
1. Connect the 4 sections of the pole in
the sequence of a, b, c, d (from top to
bottom) to assemble the pole.
1. Fill the large bucket with clean water,
then submerge the mop head to rinse
the fibres a few times.
2. Put the mop head into the spinning
3. Push the pedal down with your foot.
The pedal will lift up automatically.
Repeat several times.
4. Hold the pole and swivel the mop head
to clean the floor.
5. Return mop head into the spinning
bucket and pump the pedal so excess
dirt and water falls into the pedal
bucket. Repeat step 1-5.
2. Push the bottom plate onto the mop
head and step on it to join them
2. Take the bucket with pedal out of the
large bucket and place them separately
on the floor.
3. Flip the hanging ring over the spinning
4. Press the spinning basket onto the
pedal bucket to fix it on securely.
5. Flip the hanging ring back to its original
6. Push the two square tabs on the pedal
bucket into the two slots on the large
bucket to assemble into one complete
Assemble the Spinning
Basket and the 2 Buckets
Replacement heads
Dispose of all packaging responsibly using local
recycling schemes.
Please order from JMLdirect.com
This product is unconditionally guaranteed for one year
against all defects of workmanship and materials. This
guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. If you
have any problems or queries about this product please
contact JML customer services.
Assemble the Pole and
the Mop Head
Use and Clean
fig a.
fig b.
fig c.
fig d.

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